By far and away the most dangerous moment for any demagogue is that moment when the peasants finally stop giving a sh*t. They keep ignoring the simple fact that there are always more of them than of yours, and when they all show up, you’re boned.

I’m thinking that the GOP is rapidly approaching that point for 2024 on the issue of abortion, and worse yet I think they know it. You can always tell when the craven cowards pull a Ron Johnson and start running down the street talking into a dead cell phone. Right now the GOP would rather eat live scorpions than defend their atrocious abortion laws.

On the issue of abortion, as with almost any other contentious social issue, the GOP proved again that they can f*ck up a one car funeral. If you read the actual SCOTUS decision that overturned Roe v Wade, the justices were emphatic that they did not outlaw abortion, they simply returned it to the states for local adjudication. This is like a father telling his 18 year old son, OK, I bought you the stupid kegger. Just keep the goddamn graduation party in the back yard!

And of course the GOP controlled states did no such thing. In fact exactly the opposite. They got into a Death Race 2000 with each other as to who could pass the most restrictive abortion laws. And in fact they violated the first, simplest rule of politics. They ignored their constituents direct opinions.

Kansas should have been the canary-in-the-coal-mine. A blood red state, nevertheless the constituents blew the doors off on a petition drive to put enshrining abortion into the state constitution. The referendum passed by a 17 point margin, with some GOP voters going to the primary polls solely to vote in favor of the abortion issue. The people had spoken.

And so what did the Kansas legislature, elected by the very people who had just voted in a blowout style to enshrine abortion into the constitution do? They pissed into a political fan. They tried passing a motion that made the referendum advisory only, allowing them to ignore the results. That blew up in the courts, but it accomplished an important objective. The state GOP legislators proved to their own constituents that they didn’t give a sh*t about what they thought.

And. They. Just. Keep. Doing. It. In Ohio, pro choice activists blew the doors off on signature collection to put abortion rights on the ballot. The state GOP went apesh*t. First the tried to challenge damn near every signature. Then they tried to jump the gun by putting out a referendum changing the passage requirement for a voter initiative from 50% +1 to 60%. That went down in flames, so they dug in and put the ballot initiative on a special election on a Tuesday in the middle of August, the only thing on the ballot. The passage rate for the initiative was almost as large as in Kansas. The GOP sore losers tried to negate that electively too, but last week abortion rights were enshrined into the Ohio constitution.

Pro choice activists are working like hell to get a ballot initiative on the ballot in Ron DeSantis’s fact free state of Florida. Already more than 100,000 registered Republicans have signed the petitions. In a panic the Florida Attorney General has sent a petition to the Florida state Supreme Court to try to find some magic silver bullet to keep the initiative off of the ballot. Good luck with that if you’re not going to, like, you know, cite any existing case law or sh*t.

See, here’s the problem for the GOP. One of the benefits in overturning Roe v Wade and sending it back to the states was to make it a local issue. This left each state with the wherewithal to deal with the fallout locally, which is critical for the GOP since abortion as a national issue is so toxic for them they have to put on hazmat suits in the morning.

Here’s the problem. The peasants are starting to not give a sh*t anymore. A brave 30 year old Texas woman literally went to Texas court to petition for an emergency abortion under the states restrictive abortion ban. This led to a week long national media circus, with the district judge agreeing with the woman, and granting the abortion, only to be followed up by Texas douche bag Attorney General Ken Paxton filing an appeal with the state Supreme Court, and sending out a letter threatening any doctor or medical facility assisting her with prosecution. The Supreme Court issued a stay, and only ruled against her after she had already fled the state to get an abortion in a state where it was legal.

The peasants just don’t give a shit anymore. Piggybacking on the heroic actions of the Texas woman, it was reported today that at least three other women in deep red states had gone to state court to file for emergency abortions under the states restrictive abortion laws. And you can bet your ass that each and every one of these will become national news as they work their way through the courts.

This is a total disaster for the GOP for two reasons. First of all, all you have to do to see the blatant cowardice of the national GOP on this issue is to look at the response of Texas Senators Cornyn and Cruz when questioned by reporters on the issue. These guys are scared sh(tless of the effect this can have on not only their own campaigns, but on the GOP’s attempt to regain control of the senate.

But it’s an even bigger disaster for the GOP controlled state legislators. Because up until now, these bellicose bastards have had a free rein. They could be as all bad ass as they wanted in their anti abortion rhetoric, simply because abortion was a national issue. They could blather all they wanted, even pass bullsh*t fetal heartbeat and six week abortion bans in the legislature, and it was all just jerking off because Roe stopped them.

But now abortion is a state issue. These jokers have made their beds, only to find out suddenly that the cat sh*t in it. The Roe v Wade national air cover is now gone. The abortion issue is literally their baby. And they’re dropping it into the cold bath water.

Because now their constituents know know they’re the villains too. It’s no longer a national issue, their own GOP controlled legislatures did this to them, and when they revolted, their own elected legislators flipped them double barrel birds and told them to f*ck off. And when they tried to work around them, they put up every roadblock they could there too.

This is potentially a 1-2 sucker punch for the GOP. The continued national coverage of the cases of these brave women going into state court to demand their bodily autonomy will turn this issue into an albatross around the necks of every GOP Senator running for reelection. Remember,  deep red states like Kansas, Montana, Kentucky and Ohio have all passed pro choice initiatives into law. Democratic challengers can hammer them with this all the way to election day. And popular sentiment is against them.

And on the state level, these GOP legislators have finally been exposed as the enemies they are, even to their own constituents. Abortion is now irrevocably a state issue. And if state voters can vote 59-41 ro enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution,  they sure as sh*t can vote 59-41 to oust the arrogant idiots who treated them like chattel baggage. High pro choice turnout in highly competitive swing states could flip the election to the side of the angels. And the national Democrats would be well advised to spend nest year hammering home the point that Traitor Tot himself famously said in 2016 in a Chris Matthews town hall, There has to be a penalty. Yes, to the woman. They have to pay some kind of penalty. Payback is a bitch.

I think you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. Your “… The peasants are starting to not give a sh*t anymore…” because, as you put it “… The peasants just don’t give a shit anymore…”. It’s quite possible that ‘the peasants’ have come to the realisation that the leaders they entrusted themselves in really ‘don’t know their arse from their elbow, and in particular, wouldn’t know if their arse was on fire’. Their arse is on fire, and they know very well that, as you state “… popular sentiment is against them…”. In sum they’ve ‘cooked their own goose’ whilst, singularly and collectively, they ‘hoisted by their own Petard’. Wouldn’t expect anything less, would you, given their mix of delusional arrogance and deep insight into all matters great and small, particularly like this one. Dunces!

    • They are left with white evangelical men. Because even the brighter evangelical women don’t want their daughters to be forced to.carry a,rapist’s fetus to term they don’t want to die in childbirth.

  2. Not that I wish any woman in any of these women-killing states such horrific outcomes but if some women in similar straits closer to next November go to court (s), publicly–very publicly, and this thing happens (and it will) again, I do believe the House will flip to dems, the Senate will become more so, and President Biden will have very little to worry about. Hopefully the media will make hay with this sort of thing but even if they don’t (got to still worry about the owners), Democratic candidates should be able to saturate the airwaves so much you’d be hard-pressed to find a woman who would even consider voting for a ‘pube. Well, no, you’d still find them but there’d be a lot less available for ‘pubes to count on.

    • WHOOT made my day! Loved every word
      Have to edit out cussing on Threads but that was fun too!
      We are WOKE there but civil. Which is fine
      In fact Seth Abramson keeps getting suspended cuz he is too vitriolic for their community monitors!
      And we get to block every TROLL we want and never see them again. And if they are reported by a number of threaders they get flat booted off (BOBO did first day she tried to get on!) Time for you guys to JOIN


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