This has gotten too totally nuts. Tuesday was a court day for Donald Trump. He was fined $9,000 for violations of his gag order, which many people feel is water off the duck’s back. You’ll get his attention with a $91M judgment, yes, and you’ll definitely get his attention with a $454M judgment that he then has to do an elaborate tap dance to produce a $175M bond for later on when his finances really get strained. This we have seen with our own eyes. But likely $9,000 will go unnoticed. That’s a day’s medi/pedi for Melania, if that.

But fine him the judge did and complain after court defendant Donald did. Now listen closely to the following tape and you’ll get the pushmi pullyou reference. (If this is drawing a blank for you, the pushmi pullyou was a magical creature in Dr. Doolittle. It had two heads so if it was going, it was coming, and vice versa.) Listen at the very end where Trump complains that 1. the trial is going too fast and 2. the trial is going too slow. Damn. This is like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we just can’t get the trial that’s right for defendant Donnie.

So which is it, the judge is rushing the awful case through or, alternatively, Trump is being slowly tortured by having to sit there so long? It can’t be both — except in what is left of the defendant’s mind. There, all things are possible and nothing is too nuts to consider.

Now this is a comical insight here: Trump keeps falling asleep, that’s a given. And now his lawyers are on Sleep Alert or whatever they’re calling it amongst themselves. There is an interesting point made here as well about the “papers” Trump is given “to look through.” I’m assuming the reporter is talking about the sheaf of articles that Trump is known to be carrying each day in court, that his fluffer with the portable printer prints out for him. It just now occurred to me that maybe his lawyers have requested those printouts in order to keep their out of control client awake and present.

It may be as simple as that. There’s a trade off here and the lawyers have made it. Their quandary is: Do we want a client that rages during the trial and may get led away in handcuffs or do we want a docile client and if he falls asleep, then so be it? I think it’s the latter. You have to admit, it’s a theory that fits the facts.

And here is further indication that Trump is unraveling mentally. Does he even remember what the word “exoneration” means?

Who’s being “exonerated?” Because it sure as hell ain’t him. And there again you see, the trial is going “like a speeding bullet” — but with all that speed and activity, Trump can’t even stay awake?

Man. This is getting curiouser and curiouser as time goes by. My take on the *speed* of the trial? I think that Trump is terrified and he sees the end in sight. He hears the damaging testimony and he knows, or at least fears, that the case will be decided against him. That is what is happening too fast for him, judgement. This is judgement day coming up and he’s powerless to stop it.

Just another out of control day for the defendant. I hope his lawyer feels that he’s paid enough to put up with this. A lot of people simply could not do what Todd Blanche is doing for any amount of money. Credibility is an important thing to many people, obviously not to Blanche.

Back to the golf course, not the campaign trail tomorrow, anybody want to take a bet? And that may be by design. His campaign strategists, Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, may want to keep Trump off the campaign trail so that he doesn’t jeopardize himself further at trial. And that may be sound decision making, indeed. Remember, we see the medicated, coiffed, orange rouged Trump, they see the real one, screaming meemies, flying ketchup bottles and all. They may be playing their hand the best that they can.

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    • I was surprised he complained about the speed of the trial. I would have thought that he would have wanted it to go much faster so he would be done with it. Obviously not.

      • as Meidas Touch pointed out, he himself is slowing it down by refusing to stipulate to any of the pieces of evidence. so every stupid scrap of paper or email has to be attested to by a witness.

  1. This day the trial is too fast. This day it’s too slow. Poor Goldi(hair)locks. Here’s a hint Trump: “Just right” means your fat orange ass gets convicted on all counts. And get to play Golidlocks with prison bunks!


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