This is disgusting. But then again, we’re talking about the judicial version of a street corner hooker. I’ve pretty much suffered him quietly for the simple reason that he normally keeps his head down, has none of the comic relief of the drunken sexual predator Brewski Brett Kavanaugh, or the swing vote potential of Amy Coney Barrett.

But this time Gorsuch went too far. He just had to stick his head out of his cave, the chastity belt hanging from his mouth, and go on television. Where he ponderously predicted the collapse of society in general if any kind of judicial ethics reforms are enacted. In a voice echoing with doom, Gorsuch intoned, If you think that the government is after you, don’t you want a strong, independent judge hearing your case, and not one shackled by government regulations? We should all be very careful.

OK, there is almost literally too much here to unpack, but let’s start here. If a strong, independent judge wants to breeze his gums, he goes on a legitimate national news outlet to do it. He doesn’t go on a goddamn propaganda outlet like FUX News, the favorite of his overlord, where the only people to hear him will be the kind of third rate scumbags who used to grace his federal courtroom. He gets it out there in front of the entire country, and takes whatever hits come with it.

It’s almost embarrassing to have to do this, but since you’re apparently a literal babe-in-the-woods, let’s go through another chapter of Politics for Dummies. Open your book to page 27 please, Justice.

Helpful Hint – When a legitimate, sitting President nominates a Supreme Court Justice nominee more than 300 days before the election, and the opposing political party, led by GOP Senate pimp Bitch McConnell refuses to even let in person interviews take place, much less Judiciary Committee hearings, They’re not doing it because the nominee is dangerous, inqualified, or mentally unhinged, they’re doing it because they want their own slut puppy filling that chair.

And that bought and paid for slut puppy is you, moron. A Strong, independent judge, one with any sense of honor, dignity, or duty and fairness would have immediately withdrawn his name from consideration. After all, his very reputation as a strong, independent judge was hanging in the balance. If you need a poster child for dignity, honor and integrity, look no further than President Biden, who voluntarily gave up his run for a second term in the White House, for the good of the country and democracy. You aren’t qualified to polish President Biden’s bike helmet.

But being a streetcorner whore with a lamp pole across the street from a naval base seems to agree with you. I seem to remember, and my memory was refreshed by an article in Politico that starting in 2015, you spent two years unsuccessfully trying to sell a 40 acre property with a hunting cabin on it that you co-owned in rural Colorado. And will wonders never cease? Within days of being confirmed to the Supreme Court, the property sold, for a handsome profit. It was bought by the Chief Partner of one of the largest law firms in the country, who regularly argues cases in front of the Supreme Court. Why don’t you do like NASCAR does, and just start stitching the logos of your sponsors right on your robe?

Judicial ass clowns like Harlan’s toy Clarence Thomas, and seditionist Sam Alito garner all the headlines for their imbecilic and public antics, from where I’m sitting, you’re much worse. You’re far darker, more insidious, and more dangerous. Like a candy store or bar owner, you give criminals and corrupt officials, like mobsters, close air support with a legitimate front, while the gambling parlor grinds away in the basement.

Little wonder you went on FUX News today in a panic. If this Supreme Court reform package catches wind, and the Democrats get control of the government in January, and bojo the goddamned filibuster to ram this through, you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do. sweat, you soulless bastard.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.


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  1. Yo Gorsuch. I’m not worried about my government coming after me. We have these things called elections that give mere mortals like me a chance to get better elected officials from town councils all the way up to President. Unlike you THEY have to face the voters.

    No, what worries the hell out of me is UNELECTED assholes like YOU with lifetime appointments. It’s been rare for any federal judge to be impeached and removed and it’s NEVER happened with a Justice. So I have EVERY reason to fear YOU and your fellow Federalist Society GROOMED Fascists who don’t believe anyone but rich white men should have any power. That the rest of us should be consigned to a modern version of serfdom.

    Murf, you are 100 percent correct. Anyone with respect for the law and with any sense of honor would have declined an appointment for the seat McConnell STOLE from President Obama. Of course, ole Neil being a privileged WHITE GUY himself believe like Moscow Mitch that being black meant Obama was only three-fifths of a person and therefore only got about that much of a Presidency and the powers that go with it.

    If only there was an actual time machine, And it could send Gorsuch and his threat back to the time the infamous Vlad the Impaler ruled and THAT Vlad would take it as a threat against him. I would feel no sympathy at all for Gorsuch’s suffering as he slowly slip down that sharpened pole stuck up his ass!

  2. On one hand the Supreme Court rules the President has absolute immunity then on the other hand a SC Justice sends a veiled threat that Biden should watch it. It is as plain as the brown nose on Gorsuch’s face they are a solely owned subsidiary of the MAGA Party, Federalist Society and Project 2025. They are the true King Makers and above the law. Oh how I hope for a Democrat Route in November, enough to control the White House and both Houses including an above the 60 seat majority in the Senate.


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