Eric Trump was in Nevada to speak to phone bankers at a Las Vegas campaign office. He told them the Democrats “are going to cheat” and urged them to volunteer to monitor the polls. He also responded to the now-famous question about whether his father would accept the election results if he lost. Las Vegas Review-Journal:

During a campaign swing through Las Vegas on Thursday, Eric Trump, son of President Donald Trump, addressed the president’s recent refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the upcoming election, saying his father is only pressing for a fair contest and would concede to Democratic nominee Joe Biden should Biden be the clear victor. […]

Trump said if “tens of thousands of ballots are found in a dumpster” or some similar case of fraud, his father would obviously contest the results.

“I think my father’s just saying listen, if he got blown out of the water, of course he’d concede,” Trump said. “If he thought there was massive fraud, then he’d go and try and address that.”

Well, you got it from the horse’s mouth, let’s blow him out of the water. At least we all agree on what needs to happen Election Night.

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    • I think it’s great we all agree on what needs to happen. I think it’s interesting that Eric even raised the possibility Daddy could be blown out of the water. I bet he gets in hot water for that crack, what do you think?

    • Apparently Nevadans became disillusioned with Trump a while ago. Murfster was saying that he was standing in line at the convenience store, pre-COVID-19, and some guy was saying he “wouldn’t vote for Trump again.” I want to cast my vote in Nevada, rather than California, because it will count more, maybe.

    • I think you know the answer to that. But Eric Trump told us what we already know, and that is, Trump knows he can’t win. He just wants to get within cheating distance so he can have the Supreme Court bail him out. But he can’t even bring a suit before the court if he “gets blown out of the water.” That’s what we need to make happen.

  1. Trump’s mouth pieces all qualify his acceptance of election results. He has to ‘think it was a fair election’. So now the participant of an elections decides if it is a fair election. We know the campaign is not fair because the FBI tells us the Russians are once again working for Trump. The FBI also tells us that there is no voter fraud in America. Of course Trumpist just say they are deep state liars. How convenient. The traitors get to decide what is true and what isn’t.

  2. I’d like to know what they mean about “monitoring the polls”. Are they going to demand to see people’s I.D.’s and voter registrations, or stand behind people while they vote to see who they selected?

    • If the state doesn’t demand the IDs and registrations, the “observers” can’t. And watching who people vote for would get them tossed out so hard they bounce.

  3. My guess is that one of Trump’s donors is a printer and can manufacture fake ballots without a problem. Just find a dumpster near a Post Office and they are good to go.


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