Trump is already scared sh*tless. You can tell it by his short, rambling, incoherent message on Bullsh*t Social. He spluttered about how Biden was an accidental President who had stolen the 2020 election from him. Then he called Biden the worst President of all time, and nearly the Conan the Barbarian of American democracy. But you know what was missing? A single word about Vice President Kamala Harris.
Little wonder. Even if the GOP came out of their convention largely unified, what was the overarching common thread of almost every single speech, Traitor Tot not included? Biden, Biden, Biden, Biden, Biden. The worst President in history! Personally weaponizing his DOJ to persecute His Lowness! The doddering old fool who couldn’t count to 10. Sh*t, in his acceptance speech El Pendejo ex Presidente even told the crowd that This may be the last Republican convention to take place in the United States. Because if Biden wins a second term, he’ll turn this beautiful country into Venezuela.
And in the blink of an eye, and one short statement by President Biden, that’s all gone now. The Il Douche forces are literally a campaign in search of an opponent. That’s because right from the start, regardless of what happened, the Trump campaign went all in on the idea of Biden not only being the nominee, but of being on the ballot in November. Their entire campaign message, as well as all of their attack advertising is based on portraying Biden as a doddering old fool that is destroying the country.
And it’s not like they didn’t have advance warning. In the days following the debate, there was already panicked buzzing in Democratic circles about the wisdom of letting Biden run for another term in November. It reached the point that the White House had to put Biden out there publicly to try to swat out the fires, and that’s never a good thing. The Democrats started making contingency plans in the event that Biden eventually succumbed to the pressure and stepped down. The intelligent thing for the Trump campaign to have done would have been to start making contingency plans of their own in case Biden did the unthinkable and stepped down.
But they didn’t, for one simple reason. Because Trump is a political imbecile. Only three years younger than Biden, Traitor Tot is running for office solely to stay out of federal prison for the rest of his life. His RNC acceptance speech showed the country that he is light years more senile, incoherent and dangerous than Biden could ever dream of being. But being old, arrogant, a totally narcissistic dotard, it was inconceivable to His Lowness that a man would take the noble, selfless, partiotic way and withdraw from the race, especially with Biden’s repeated assurances that he was in it to win it. Even if the staff had wanted to explore the possibility, Trump would have shut it down as a waste of time.
Which leaves Trump and the GOP literally nothing to run on. Their entire game plan was an endless recital of Biden’s missteps and failures, most of them bullsh*t, and lean heavily on the befuddled dotard card. That’s what it had to be. After all, Biden is the President. And now Vice President Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee for the party. What do you attack? Harris didn’t make the ultimate decisions, Biden did. Harris didn’t sign the bills and issue the executive orders, Biden did. It’s pretty much useless to attack Harris on her record as CA Attorney General or Vice President, that won’t resonate.
Let me illustrate the practical importance of this. Il Douche has been running for President for almost three years now. And for that entire time, the only imaginable opponent was Biden. His oppo research team has a rheee year collection of attack material for speeches and ads against Biden. But they don’t have a goddamn thing against Harris, and what do you go rummaging for against a Vice President?
Let’s face it, neither The Cheeto Prophet nor his campaign are world class linear thinkers. Trump’s instinctive gut reflex is going to be to hammer away at Biden to juice up his base. But Trump needs more than just his base to win, and the soft GOP, Democratic and Independent voters could care less about hearing about Biden anymore. He’s a caretaker President now. So, for at least the next month, if not more, look for The Mango Messiah’s rally speeches and attack ads to strongly resemble the dog’s breakfast as they desperately try to recalibrate.
As they always like to say, A month is a lifetime in politics. And especially for President Biden, this has been one of the longest months of his life. But if this goes the way I think it will, these next three months are going to be the longest 30 years of Traitor Tot’s life. Don’t touch that dial.
I thank you for the privilege of your time.
Oh, Trumpler has a target alright but he won’t know for sure who it is until after the Democratic convention, mid August. His immediate target must be Harris, because she’s a very likely candidate. So, being Trump and the despicable GOP, get ready for racism & misogyny in about equal proportions. The scum will now rise right to the top of the swamp and come out with every disgusting trope they can think up to disparage and demean Kamala. They’ll be trying to perform a metaphorical lynching and it will reveal an even darker underbelly to the Repugnican party than we’ve seen before, hard though that is to believe, given what we’ve seen already.
“But they don’t have a goddamn thing against Harris, and what do you go rummaging for against a Vice President?”
If she’s a woman of color, they’ll go straight for racism and misogyny.
Whether that will fly in today’s society is another matter, I think that all the racists are already gathered in one place, and misogyny only worked against Hilary in combination with a 25 year, $100 million tear her down campaign of innuendo, and a woman third ‘Split-vote’ candidate.
It’s past time to have a woman in charge.
“It’s past time to have a woman in charge.”
I looked it up: With the 1960 election of Sirimavo Bandaranaive, what was then Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) became the first of 58 countries to have a woman head of State.
From South Asia to the Middle East (Golda Meir, Israel), to South America (Isabel Peron, Argentina), to Europe (Margaret Thatcher, the U.K), women have been in charge somewhere for 64 years, Not all have been successful (see Liz Truss, about 7 weeks as PM of the UK), but they’ve been elected to lead.
After Election Day 2008 I thought it was about time we elected a black man to the office. I think 2024 is about time we elect a multiracial woman.
I misspelled her name, it should be Sirimavo *Bandaranaike* (Gotta proofread these posts better)
Biden must have studied Judo, where you take the opponent’s momentum and use it to flip him on his ass. In one fell swoop, he has flipped the gop and it’s plastic messiah on his ass. In 2016, Trump was an unknown except for being a fabrication of reality TV, a highly successful businessman who was self made and would fulfill the greed of our sick culture. Nope! It all disappeared as fast as Toto could pull the curtain. Now he’s a criminal traitor, a rapist, a proven pathological liar, and a DEMENTED OLD MAN awaiting sentencing and future trials. He won’t fair any better than bullfrog Barr, who managed to get through law school, and eventually Attorney General when he harumped under her questioning and admitted he didn’t know what ‘suggest’ meant. She, being a former prosecutor and Attorney General of California, will slice and dice all these criminals when they cross her path. She’s not old school like Joe. I seriously doubt she’ll be nice when they bring out the knives. She’ll make quick work of them as Hannibal Lector did with his victims when he was done with them. And she will still have Joe on her wing. Trump is not only a dead man walking, he will be lucky if he doesn’t end up on the Green Mile. Wow! For a dottering old man, dark Brandon sure has tossed a grenade into their war room plans. I guess everyone underestimated the old guy! And the added benefit is we should now expect the democratic leadership to shut the phuck up and get their asses back into the fray! As Lazlo said to Rick in Casablanca…welcome back to the fight. I’m sure our side will win! Keep it coming Murf…some are slow to adapt to the unexpected and need a therapist to help them along! Ha.