Despite Republicans, Numbers Don’t Lie. And These Are Getting Better.


Yesterday, in an article, I posited the opinion that if the Biden administration wanted to exude confidence, the easiest way to do it was with simple, easy impossible to refute proof. And after an entire year of horrific numbers, the coronavirus was ripe for the picking.

I related how we had had an entire year of unrelenting bad news with the virus but that the game had changed. We had actual vaccines now, and shots were getting into arms, it it was time to start getting that fact out there.

In yesterday’s article, I said that we were rapidly approaching, if not passing, 10 million vaccinations. That number was purposely conservative. Hey, I know me, I’ve known me all of my life. And occasionally, when the Muse is upon me, and the keys are flying under my fingers, I get as excited as a gamboling puppy. And that enthusiasm can put my words ahead of facts. And for something this important, I didn’t want to do that. So, I lowballed on purpose.

Hey gang, you know what? It turns out we’re nowhere near 10 million vaccinations. Today, we passed 19 million vaccinations, and are churning full-speed-ahead for 20 million. you know why I didn’t tell you that yesterday? Because nobody in the fucking media said anything about it! And today, it was mentioned almost in passing, and as if it were somehow insignificant.

This is exactly why the Biden administration needs to start getting those daily numbers out there. You know what else the media “accidentally” let slip today The fact that yesterday, there were 1.3 million shots in arms, and today we put another 1.4 million shots in arms! Biden set an aggressive agenda that he wanted 100 million shots in 100 million arms in his first 100 days. You know what that means? An average of 1 million shots a day, which we have surpassed for the last two days. That is simple, mathematical proof that it can be done.

Of course there will be problems. Mainly distribution issues, as well as a possible vaccine shortage until April. But Johnson & Johnson has a single dose vaccine in front of the FDA that could be approved in early February, and I expect to see AstroZenica start their procedures before the FDA shortly. Even if Biden misses the mark, he won’t miss it by much.

I hate repeating myself, but this is so damn important. In the White House press briefing yesterday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said something that flew under the radar. While hospitalizations and deaths are at record highs, new cases seemed to be flattening. To Fact, that signaled the end of the Christmas and New Years travel surge. And with no more mass holiday travel periods expected until Memorial Day, all of the numbers would start to go down.

Please, in the name of all that is holy, start getting this vaccination information out to the media on a daily basis! January was projected as the worst month, thanks to holiday travel. February will plateau, and in March and April, as temperatures warm and people venture back outside, the numbers will continue to go down. Meanwhile, the vaccination numbers are going to continue to go up every day. Let people see that the tide has finally turned. Because Joe Biden will be the genius that engineered it all.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. I totally agree. This information needs to shouted from the rooftops. It would be huge for the Biden administration to putting it out there. And this would not be self-promoting grandstanding like we’ve seen in the recent past.

      • Maybe it also would persuade people to take the vaccine. Two people I know already got their second shot! (One is in a nursing home, the other is a nurse-practitioner at one of our local hospital systems, handling COVID patients. She has been so scrupulous, buying her own PPE and has a massive shelf of wipes at home, some of which she left by my back door!).

  2. This, Murf…THIS is why I have been looking forward to Uncle Joe taking charge. I’ve been bunkered in my house for nearly a year, waiting for help with COVID. Now it’s finally coming.

    • So have I Bareshar, and this is my promise to you…I will keep hammering these updates out there as often as necessary until people finally start to see that the corner has been turned…B ut Joe would be better served to get it out there in a positive setting that helps to set the national mood…

      • Let’s be fair about it, Murf. Man’s only been on the job for two and a half days. He’s still in the process of GSD, which that MFA Trump didn’t make easy.

        • Oh, ne, this was not meant as a critique of the Biden administration!!! They are doing everything, but this is s simple way to show progress immediately, and on a daily basis…

  3. Seems to be an undertone in some of the comments that Biden is why these numbers are where they are and that he’ll be the savior. It is a good point to get these numbers out and be accurate about it. But, if these numbers are correct, we’re already on a trajectory to reach or even exceed 100M in 100 days. I don’t think the current administration would immediately share these numbers as they would expose a chosen win for the Biden administration. Don’t take this wrong, I want to see success for the nation and want to see the virus go away, but don’t think in any way that current results and trajectories of numbers have anything to do with Biden

    • Eff you…I mean that sincerely. That sounded way too much like the last guy in charge, who made sure this thing grew into the poisonous mushroom it became.

    • I agree 100%!!
      If anyone else had been our president a year ago, we would still be dealing with all the talk and red tape that our government is famous for. President Trump made this happen in record time. Why does it take so long for things to get done? Covid was a major undertaking , but it seems like even the smallest undertaking takes forever to get done. Sorry i got off the subject.
      Everyone have a great day and be safe.

      • Sure can get things done quickly. But then the results and consequences. Like the Border wall. Just build it. And then it falls down. Or will.

        Regulations are there.

        Who decides what processes and methods to streamline and ignore is important. Scientists and engineers. Sure. A complete waste of a failure as a business man and human should not be in charge. Nor any of his idiot henchmen.

        IMHO opinion. How has mask production been increased? How has PPE been increased. How has mask usage been applauded and improved in society?

        Trump and company was an idiot and an evil one at that. Anybody with power can say “damn the torpedoes”. And that con and grifter accepted none of the blame or responsibility.

  4. I can’t post much longer than a sentence or two and if I try to post a single sentence at a time, it tells me I’m posting too quickly.

  5. COVID will vanquish thanks to good governance and eyes on the science. Uncle Joe and Auntie Kamala are leading the way.
    Once we conquer COVID, we must attain the next level, which is Medicare for All!

  6. How many times do I got to make a statement and then it goes to be posted this is my third and final time after this statement I will not try again! Good to hear hair real Trunews. And I believe that if we do keep the vaccines going in the arms steadfast like you’re saying a million a day well do good it will happen we will get this under wraps amen

    • If you’re having technical problems, please be patient. We’re going through a major technical overhaul now and I will get to everything.


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