I wonder if the people on Ron DeSantis’ election team cringe as I do, when they hear the countless faux pas, one right after another, that are the stuff of attack ads, that DeSantis spews and is utterly oblivious to? Friday DeSantis was cooking up a storm in that regard. He responded to Kamala Harris’ remarks in a local church. Harris came down to Florida from Washington after it was revealed that the Florida Board of Education had voted to teach a version of history in which it was pointed out that “slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”

Why those cunning creatures, the slaves. They were going to trade school on Massa’s dime and did they appreciate it? Hell, no. Now if you think I’m being cynical, just listen to Ron DeSantis say virtually the same thing I just did.

Parlayed means to:

  1. turn an initial stake or winnings from a previous bet into (a greater amount) by gambling.
    “it involved parlaying a small bankroll into big winnings”
      transform into (something greater or more valuable).
      “a banker who parlayed a sizable inheritance into a financial empire”

Yep, they got free vocational training, not to mention free room and board, and they took these initial “winnings” from being either kidnapped or born into slavery, and managed to transform them into something bigger. So, hey, man, what are they bitching about?

You see how incredible this sounds to a normal person? Now here is Vice President Harris and she’s not having any of this.

You may have read here on the site, in a previous piece, that DeSantis characterized Harris as a “demagogue” who “chirped.” I don’t hear any chirping. I hear a woman with a great voice and a great mind, making a cogent and forceful delivery of her ideas and feelings. If anything, DeSantis is green with envy. He can’t do this. What Harris is doing, off the top of her head, from the heart, no teleprompter, no script, he can’t do. And even in scripted, studio situations, he can’t do it either. This is what leadership looks and sounds like, Ronnie, and you ain’t got it. I give DeSantis all due credit for having gone to fine schools, I give the same credit to Ted Cruz, for that matter. But neither one of them is presidential material, except in their own delusions.

As Charlie Pierce said, the Florida Black history curricula “look as though they were devised by Strom Thurmond on some very good mushrooms.” And DeSantis is right there, gaslighting away.


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  1. With all their easily debunked lies, we can all see them for what they are.


    And they think because they’re floating on top, that they’re cream.

    How wrong they are.

  2. A memorable speech spoken from the heart. Reminds me of an old saying, “Listen to people when they are angry, because that’s when the truth comes out.” Exactly what happened in this church, and it made me realize that V.P. Kamala Harris has every bit of the stuff needed to be President. DeSantis, on the other hand, will slither back into the hole from which he came and be forgotten.

  3. It appears DeSantis is parlaying the level of toxicity of his own boutique brand of house poison, as he sips on it, from a cracked cup of his faulty design and making. I bet the arrogant, self-absorbed little pipette, doesn’t even have a viable plan to antidote his poisonous protocol, when needed to survive. An antidote, in reality, to a self-inflicted, inescapable future downfall. This is due to the house poison he brews for his brethren, he also imbibes, only to eventually overdoses on it. The eventual inconvenient truth is DeSantis will cause both himself and his shameful cultural war – a form of faux Trump politics – to implode, leading to it being a decayed political relic and an unwanted dust-catcher.

  4. Let me make sure I’ve got this: DeSantis is doubling-down by now claiming slavery was a CON, and that it was slaves doing the grifting! You know, suckering all those benevolent white masters into teaching them life/trade skills that they could use to become MORE prosperous than their masters! You know, when I recall a nasty expression that I think DeSantis is using only in “code” but which his racist followers will get loud and clear. That slaves and their descendants were/are “Shifty N!@@ers.”

    Barack Obama’s Presidency didn’t prove our country had moved past racism. On the contrary, it revealed not only was racism still out there albeit to an extent driven into the shadows, but that it was more widespread, virulent and vicious than ever. Then Trump came along and gave cover to all those despicable people to let their racist freak flag fly. (and also sexist freak flag)

  5. My husband and I were honored to be able to go and hear VP Harris when she recently çame to our Gila River school to speak which is on the Gila River Reservation. Only Elders and youth from the tribe could attend. My husband is Navajo and Maricopa. She really is an amazingly intelligent, warm, and funny person. I wasn’t sold on her when President Biden choose her for his VP but have grown to admire her. She speaks truth.

    • His nightmares clearly involve a much smarter & stronger women behind him telling him he’s wrong, reminding him how little & inadequate he is. Sadist serial killers usually carry this too.

  6. I’m curious just what ‘trade’ girls ordered to massa’s bed were learning
    Or what ‘skills’ were learnt while picking cotton or tobacco under a lash
    Knowing how to plough and seed a field isn’t much help if you don’t HAVE a field to begin with – and how many freed slaves got land and a house?
    Then all the household staff who would now have to be paid (and most, if not all were let go). How many redundant maids, butlers, cooks, et al were able to find any sort of work considering there would be a LOT in the same position as all the big plantations dumped their staff?

  7. I won’t say that Trump**ndoesn’t enjoy cruelty, because he obviously does. But with him it’s all about himsrlf, and the cruelty is about revenge (usually revebge for imaginary things, but still revenge,)

    DeSaster seems to have a more disinterr=ested love of cruelty for its own sake. And, yes, that is more dangerous than Trump**

  8. I read somewhere (and I can’t recall where but I’ll try to find out) that the German Nazis under Hitler’s direction studied the American model of plantations with slavers in an effort to gain insight into how they might accomplish their evil plan to exterminate the Jews. But they decided not to follow the American slave model because they thought the punishment used by plantation owners was too cruel. Put that in textbooks, Governor DeSatan!!!

  9. In DeSatan’s brief stint as a teacher, he taught “both sides” of the Civil War. He apparently liked to drink beer and party with his underage students, especially the girls. While he was in the Navy JAG Corps, he was stationed at Guantanamo and allegedly advised the soldiers about the legality of force-feeding, and how to do it. One detainee said he would stand right next to them while they were being tortured and would just “smile.” The detainee said he liked to frequent the CIA black site there “He was visiting the places where dark things, dirty things were perpetuated.” He was there when the three detainees committed “suicide” in their cells. They were found hanging, with their feet and hands tied and dirty clothes shoved deeply down their throats. Apparently it was covered up after one guard said he saw a white van with guards in it taking three detainees, one at a time, out of their cells and brought to the black site, sergeant of the guard testified. DeSatan would have been advising the “investigation.” DeSatan didn’t mention much about his activities there, in his “biography”. The Guantanamo info is from an April 2023 issue of “The Guardian”. Also, before he officially began running for President, he ignored the strict Fla. Sunshine laws and wrote an executive order blocking certain (his) records from release. The guy is dead inside. He has a screw loose and should never hold another govt. office.


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