I have to say, this is actually worse than what I expected. Ron DeSantis is gone, ladies and gentlemen. He lives in a bubble world of his own creation. In that world, he is a Great Leader. He is presidential material and then some. What you’re about to see right now, tonight, and until DeSantis finally manages to limp off the playing field — and only he can determine when he’s bloodied enough — is Denial, and we don’t mean the river in Egypt.

As you have undoubtedly heard, the Associated Press called the Iowa Caucus for Trump when early returns came in and Trump was leading by something like 52%. DeSantis had this reaction. The man clearly does not know how these things work.

First of all, if DeSantis ever followed politics beyond his own two races, he would know that the Associated Press does not jump the gun. They are the gold standard. A lot of other outlets and news bureaus will call a race way before AP. If AP calls it, that’s it, Jack. It’s over.

How do they know to do this? I think I may email this to the Governor of Florida, because it’s apparently new information to him. Say there are a total of 20 votes possible. Say that 17 of them have been counted and so far Donnie has 14 and Nikki has one and Ronnie has two. So there are three votes left to count. Now, even if Ronnie got all three, that would give him five. Donnie already has 14. There is no sense to even wait to see what the three remaining votes are. Donnie has already won.

That’s how the AP does it, except with bigger numbers. When the returns get to a place where no matter how the rest of the vote goes, the vote that has already been counted is determinative, that’s it. They call the race. And this has been the case in the half century or so I’ve been paying attention to such things and politics in general.

Ron DeSantis can’t lose. He just can’t handle it. He’s like Trump in that regard. So how are people reacting to this?

Ron’s in denial and this is the first phase of what is going to be an epic collapse. Now it’s the media’s fault. It can’t possibly be that he’s a horrible candidate and an even worse human being that is the problem, can it? Nah. It’s media election interference, that’s the ticket.

Let’s see what excuses he comes up with for losing next. As Donald Trump would say, “Sad.”


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  1. Ronnie…pull up Nancy Sinatra’s song These Boots Are Made For Walking. When she gets to the line ‘and they’re gonna walk all over YOU’…You’re the guy she’s singing about. Your lifts, lizard tongue, and plastic smile won’t save you this time. Maybe you shouldn’t have raised your hand showing YOU’D VOTE FOR TRUMP AND PARDON HIM! Those dumb Bible toting hayseeds took you at your word. God save us from these morons.

  2. Little angry manchild Ronnie is like the schoolyard brat that blames somebody else in the same schoolyard for their faceplant. Go and angrily bitch and whine little Ronnie, eventually you’ll have to manup and acknowledge your misfortune is all your doing. Good bye, democracy has spoken: you know what that means, don’t you?


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