Ted Cruz keeps stepping in it because his worst instincts tell him that he needs to jump publicly into the middle of every major story and troll, like his hero Donald Trump. The problem is, Cruz doesn’t have the knack. He simply can’t outrage the right way, all he does instead is bring hellfire on himself and deservedly so.

Today Ted decided to attack CNN reporter Clarissa Ward, who is literally risking her life in Kabul right now doing reporting in the streets. By all accounts she’s doing a hell of a job but that doesn’t stop the sycophantic senator from demeaning her efforts by calling her a “cheerleader for the Taliban.” Sweet Jesus.

Ted Cruz is a moron. He has no remote clue what is going on here or what this woman has to do to try to function at all on the streets of Kabul. Cruz misses the mark on a regular basis but he is so far out of bounds here that it defies description.

Ted Cruz may have been an honor student in law school but he has no emotional intelligence, no character and no class. The bottom line here is that he’s miffed at CNN for filming him on his Cancun escapade and that’s why he’s acting out like the child he is.

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  1. Is there some way that we could air drop Teddum’s onto the streets of Kabul right about now? Let’s see how brave that ‘whimpering suckhole’ really is. What a moron.

    • He (and a lot of the other loudmouths) weren’t in the military.
      I suspect if they had been, they’d have been fragged if not kicked out.

  2. Doesn’t say much for law school. The scariest thing teddy faces is his reflection in the bathroom mirror first thing in the am. Rolling a marshmallow in dirt doesn’t change its soft mushy center. The fascist party has a bag full of these dirty cream puffs acting tough, including the head cheeto.

  3. I take issue with the tweet stating Teddy would wet his pants were he standing next to her. Sweaty Teddy would not be within a few thousand miles of Afghanistan.

  4. MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE AFGHANISTAN GREAT AGAIN!
    We could send trumpy to be the dick tator!
    Send the maga maggots to please their new master!
    Get them ALL out of AMERICA give them their own MAGA country!


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