Probably the portraits on the White House walls are talking to one another, and will be for years to come, considering how utterly batshit the last days of the Trump reign were — not to mention the entire four years before then. Axios is running a bonus piece to its “Off The Rails” series, detailing the daily meltdown of the Trump administration post-election, as it stubbornly clung to the stolen election lie. The bonus piece depicts the infamous meeting between Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, senior advisor Eric Hershmann and former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, who arrived dressed in a hoodie and jeans and began to advise the sitting POTUS how to think outside the box, which in this case meant giving top security clearances to Powell and her cabal and invoking national emergency powers. This is some wild reading. If you can read only one piece in its entirety today, this should be the one.

The hours to come would pit the insurgent conspiracists against a handful of White House lawyers and advisers determined to keep the president from giving in to temptation to invoke emergency national security powers, seize voting machines and disable the primary levers of American democracy. […]

Trump was no longer focused on any semblance of a governing agenda, instead spending his days taking phone calls and meetings from anyone armed with conspiracy theories about the election. For the White House staff, it was an unending sea of garbage churned up by the bottom feeders. […]

Powell, fixing on Trump, continued to elaborate on a fantastical election narrative involving Venezuela, Iran, China and others. She named a county in Georgia where she claimed she could prove that Dominion had illegally flipped the vote.

Herschmann interrupted to point out that Trump had actually won the Georgia county in question: “So your theory is that Dominion intentionally flipped the votes so we could win that county?”

As for Powell’s larger claims, he demanded she provide evidence for what — if true — would amount to the greatest national security breach in American history. They needed to dial in one of the campaign’s lawyers, Herschmann said, and Trump campaign lawyer Matt Morgan was patched in via speakerphone.

By now, people were yelling and cursing. […]

Flynn went berserk. The former three-star general, whom Trump had fired as his first national security adviser after he was caught lying to the FBI (and later pardoned), stood up and turned from the Resolute Desk to face Herschmann.

“You’re quitting! You’re a quitter! You’re not fighting!” he exploded at the senior adviser. Flynn then turned to the president, and implored: “Sir, we need fighters.”

Herschmann ignored Flynn at first and continued to probe Powell’s pitch with questions about the underlying evidence. “All you do is promise, but never deliver,” he said to her sharply.

Flynn was ranting, seemingly infuriated about anyone challenging Powell, who had represented him in his recent legal battles.

Finally Herschmann had enough. “Why the fuck do you keep standing up and screaming at me?” he shot back at Flynn. “If you want to come over here, come over here. If not, sit your ass down.” Flynn sat back down. […]

At one point, with Flynn shouting, Byrne raised his hand to talk. He stood up and turned around to face Herschmann. “You’re a quitter,” he said. “You’ve been interfering with everything. You’ve been cutting us off.”

“Do you even know who the fuck I am, you idiot?” Herschmann snapped back.

“Yeah, you’re Patrick Cipollone,” Byrne said.

“Wrong! Wrong, you idiot!”

You’re getting a sense of it now. Hit the link and read the entire thing. This is simply incredible. Whatever Nixon was recording with his once famous White House tapes pales into pure insignificance besides this. This is sheer lunacy.




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  1. Its funny that in all of the recounts etc…the few instances of voter fraud that were found were all committed by republicans! As I have been saying since trump started the stolen election lie, show us the proof or sit down and STFU!!
    After reading the whole story, I think that everyone at that meeting except the WH staff should have had to have had psych evals long ago. No doubt in my mind that they would be permanent residents of the loony bin now! We need mandatory psych evals for anyone who wants to run for any elected or appointed position, right on down to the local animal control officer!


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