There are two schools of thought on what effect the furor in Texas, which looks to be the start of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, is going to have on the 2022 midterm elections. One school is that the Republicans have cut their throat and this issue is going to be on every ballot in the country come next fall. The other is that this is a temporary tempest in a teacup and will blow over way before next year. Needless to say, the latter view is the Republican one, their dearest dream, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. Not only are people still miffed, more and more people are becoming miffed and speaking out.

None other than Cher just weighed in and she’s running hot, ho boy.

Listen to George Carlin on this. His take is absolute truth. “They’re not pro-life, they’re anti-woman.”

And Texas is notoriously anti-woman. True story: I had friends, Duane and Lucile, who were both from Texas and whom I met in California. At one point in their lives, Lucile, who was a college graduate, that’s where she met Duane, shortly before WWII, wanted to start a title insurance company. It was the law in Texas at that time that a woman could not go into business without her husband’s permission, given before a judge in a court of law.

So Duane, who was a lawyer, went down to the courthouse and told the State of Texas, in essence, that he was giving his wife permission to conduct herself as an adult — as if it was his “right” to do that, and under the law that’s precisely what it was. And if he had been a different kind of man, he could have said, no, you cannot open up that business. And what would her recourse have been? Divorce him and raise the four kids on her own with no job? Or take a waitressing job, that she didn’t need to have the permission of the state to get? No, she just would have stayed home and been the good wife and never spread her wings, which wouldn’t have done the family any real good and certainly wouldn’t have served as an example to her three daughters. Lucile’s business was a success and when I met her she was a successful realtor in Malibu.

Now it goes without saying that this conversation took place decades later when these good folk were long retired and the society had moved forward quite a ways, thank God. But the fact of the matter was that a woman, a college graduate, could not open her own business in Texas, nor could she get credit in her own name in most of the states in the country at that time. If you recall the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, she worked hard so that women could get credit in their own name and be fully functioning adults in the business world. Before all this, women were chattel, or livestock, take your pick. I heard it from the horse’s mouth.

And don’t forget the vigilante aspects of this bill, that if you perform an abortion or assist in procuring one, the neighbors can rat you out and collect a bounty. That is something out of dystopian sci fi but that’s what we’re looking at.

Read this and you’ll see how woman hating is the reason that women are forced to bear children from rape and incest. There is no other law on the books that says you can be forced to do thus and such with your body, once you get past the abortion laws. Body autonomy is a clearly defined constitutional right — but not when it comes to abortion. Then it explodes on the launch pad.

The State of Texas is not pro-woman for all of their romanticized songs about yellow roses and that’s been the case for quite some time. And this draconian law could provide the template for the rest of the country.

We are not in a good place in this country right now. This law in Texas may prove to be the tipping point.

We’re going to be going over some very basic ground, once again. I remember a conversation I had on a date in the late 70’s. I openly admitted I was a feminist, which a lot of women didn’t want to do. That was a bad label in those days. My date asked me, “How much do you hate men?” I said, “I don’t hate men at all. I love men. I just want to have a chance to do as much as a man and I don’t, because of cultural bias against women.” That was true then and it’s true now. Women can still be successful but it’s well known that they generally have to work “twice as hard as a man to be thought half as good” as the expression goes.

But I thought that this guy’s reaction was interesting, “How much do you hate men?” Feminism, in his mind, was not about a positive assertion of women’s rights, it was about destroying men, the masculine ideal, and upending what he saw as the natural order of things, i.e., men controlling women.

Oh, those were some sick days. We have made some progress since those days but not nearly enough. If we had, we wouldn’t be looking at this law in Texas, at the abrogation of Roe v. Wade or at a lot of other ugly ideas and actions which are now stirring in the shadows and asking, “Oh, is it time for me to come back out now?”


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  1. That’s about how it’s going. And I agree totally with George Carlin. It’s not about pro-life or pro anything. It’s about controlling women.

  2. This piece is right on target. I have 2 thoughts; one is that there must be a huge violation of privacy for these supposed lawsuits to happen. The person bringing the suit must know if the person who got the abortion was over 6 weeks pregnant. How could an outside person know this for a certainty?
    Second thought is about the guy’s response to your statement of being a feminist. I’m sure that was a pretty common reaction and probably still is. I suspect that is the same type of reasoning for all the backlash against Black Lives Matter.

    • It was some tap dance back in those days. As a woman, you didn’t want to be a “threat” to a man, and generally speaking a threat was anybody smart. Now of course it depended on the guy, but most of the guys I knew back then didn’t want a woman to know more or have experienced more. A woman was supposed to fundamentally be a wife and mommy. I never saw it that way. I thought all people should do what they wanted to do in the world and then have kids and a home on top of it. But that wasn’t the dialogue back then. A woman was supposed to be in the shadows and stay that way.

  3. I’m old but not that old. I can remember talking to some women about getting credit. And the fact that they had to get a man to help. It could be some bum never got off the couch as long as he was sporting a third leg. And then she’s tied to the bum. I think men did this for an easy ride through life. It’s like the guys that hook up with strippers. Easy money. Make sure you get the beer before work cause the don’t serve after you get off. Now go and be a good baby and let those strangers paw your body for some big tips.

  4. With this new “law” how many times could a woman be sued? Is it limited to one time or could a co-worker and a neighbor sue her at the same time?


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