I’ve been thinking for days about this, and the opinion I formed watching former Secret Service Director testify to Congress still holds: She did all she could to cover for her agency and in particular Trump’s Secret Service Detail (and to an extent state/local LE), to shield them from accountability. She was already catching hell, and had to know it would likely cost her her job. But she chose to obfuscate and withhold information she had by then. To give her agents time to “close ranks” and frankly, get their stories straight. In blunt, crass terms she took a political and career bullet for them, just like at one time she’d have taken a real bullet for a President or other protectee.
That’s right folks. I hadn’t known much about her but the first thing that jumped out at me was that Kimberly Cheatle wasn’t some person parachuted in from somewhere. In her opening statement she noted she’d come up through the ranks of the Secret Service. If you check out the link you’ll find she was truthful. She started her career with them in 1995 in fact and served well over two decades in increasingly important roles. She left for a few years for the private sector, I presume for a much higher salary. However, when President Biden needed to appoint a new Director he turned to her and she accepted the job in 2022.
Let’s talk about a couple of things. In the wake of the JFK assassination the Secret Service transformed itself, or more precisely the part that provides protection for Presidents and other VIPs into more than a highly professional operation. They became the gold standard for such things. As part of the Dept. of the Treasury agents worked all over the country addressing their primary mission. Enforcing the security of our currency and especially identifying and prosecuting counterfeiters. In doing so individual agents or a pair of them HAD to work closely with other federal agencies of course, but more importantly with state and local LE. Establishing those state and especially local ties was part of the job – a crucial part and it provided an immeasurable asset crucial to those elevated to the Protective Details: an extensive network of LE contacts and a lot of goodwill. They knew who could be counted on and who couldn’t, and how to set up a coordinated security bubble with reliable communication between the various parts.
When DHS was formed the Secret Service was yanked from Treasury and placed there. Since then it’s been downhill with one scandal after another. As new agents came aboard they simply didn’t have the same level of experience working with state and local LE. I would write a great deal more about this but what matters is that a hard look at the last twenty years makes clear the Secret Service people think of, the one between the mid 1960s through the shift to DHS control simply isn’t at that level. And hasn’t been for some time. Despite some success in breaking up plots it’s actually frightening when you think about it. I for one can easily understand why any agent who’d put in their twenty years (or more) who was experienced in both the years as part of Treasury and the years as part of DHS would do what Cheatle did. With pension secured move to the private sector and beef up their bank accounts/retirement.
One didn’t need to hear from pundits with knowledge and expertise in what the Secret Service or any protective detail does to have known within 24 hours some serious failings had taken place. We all saw pictures and videos and asked the same questions. How could there NOT have been Secret Service or local LE on the rooftop the shooter used? Or the even higher one of the building just behind him? Captain Obvious would know to have that space covered! The next day we knew people including state and local LE saw the shooter and were suspicious. For at least an hour and perhaps two! Worse, in the minutes before the shooting started and before Trump took the stage people were alerting local LE about this guy (the shooter) acting strangely and carrying something. BEFORE Trump got out of the car and headed to the stage, and then was seen climbing on to that roof. WHY didn’t the counter-sniper team have one rifle focusing on that rooftop? And why the hell didn’t Trump’s detail hustle him off the stage? (I also keep asking how the hell TWO purported SWAT snipers with all the training not each have their own spotter. Snipers work in teams of two – spotter and shooter!) After the shooting why was Trump allowed to keep sticking his head up? He SHOULD have been completely protected – pushed over at the waist and hustled straight to the car. That’s just for starters.
My point is that no one needed to be an expert to see replays and not be asking the same questions. Forget political feelings for or against Trump. Like I said it was patently obvious there were huge failures and of several different types. I can assure you it will take not weeks but months to nail it all down and write the reports on the incident we’ll get from the Secret Service, their Inspector General, DHS, the FBI and of course Congress but the questions I posed and some others already had solid answers. Sometimes, at least in an open setting someone in Cheatle’s position can’t, or at least shouldn’t provide certain details. However, there was plenty she knew and could have said and she refused. We all knew she had some of the answers to some basic (hey, it was Congress after all) question being asked. All of us had been asking most if not all the same basic questions.
The hits keep coming. I read this article from Business Insider I read this morning is devastating. It features comments from the head of the local SWAT on the lack of communication his snipers (and it seems others) had with Trump’s Secret Service detail:
“We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service members whenever they arrived, and that never happened,” Jason Woods, a lead sharpshooter on the Beaver County, Pennsylvania SWAT team, told ABC News.
“So I think that was probably a pivotal point, where I started thinking things were wrong because it never happened,” he said. “We had no communication.”
In an interview published by ABC on Sunday, Woods and his team members said the first time they communicated with Secret Service agents on the ground was only after the shooting.
“It was too late,” Woods said
(Then) Director Cheatle had to have known things like that prior to appearing at that House hearing. Yet she chose to cover for Trump’s detail. If for no other reason than to buy them some time before they had to sit down for a string of interviews with investigators conducting a variety of inquiries. Given they still have not just a Protectee but one who’s in the middle of a Presidential campaign it’s not practical to simply relieve them of duty for a couple of weeks. Why is a complicated thing I don’t want to bore you with. I will however say that the head of Trump’s detail SHOULD have been relieved immediately and sent to DC to start facing some tough questions. Same with the agents on Trump’s advance detail – the small team that visits places a candidate will appear to do a security assessment and identify state and local resources that will be needed. AND start the process of coordination between state/local with them (Trump’s detail) and each other.
It didn’t take me a week to come to the conclusion that while numerous screwups/failings occurred it all flowed from a single source. A falloff in the level of vigilance from what it should have been. If not an almost lax attitude, since it was a rally in a deeply Trump/Red county and area. Simply not the same as the Secret Service was once noted for.
Cheatle took a “bullet” for Trump’s Secret Service detail. Do you think any of them will appreciate it? Or one day quietly thank her for giving them a chance to at least partially cover their a$$es? I think not. These are after all agents who CHOSE to move with Trump to Florida when he grudgingly left the WH and moved down to Florida. They are butt kissing Trumpkins. The words in the oath all who hold federal office take are mere words they had to speak. The Constitution? Pffft. They are loyal to and will serve Trump and only Trump.
Just like their protectee they will throw ANYONE under the bus. That includes the former Director of their agency Kimberly Cheatle who willfully sacrificed HER job and professional reputation (and future) to cover for THEM. If there’s any justice Kamala Harris will become our next President. Then, and maybe even before the new head of the Secret Service should inform Trump his entire detail will be relived of duty and ordered to DC for a Professional Standards review that will likely result in the dismissal of many, if not all of them. He will have at most a week to pick any other members from his time as President to replace him.
Given the fact that his would be assassin was a lousy shot, and that had the young man been even a moderately good shot he’d be dead with half his head blown off I’m surprised Trump wants any of his detail on the job at all. Maybe given his attention span he can’t keep up with advisors who have spelled it out to him. That actually makes sense to me. Plus he’s got his mind on other things like trying to win the election so he stays out of jail. If he can focus on anything THAT would be it. Still, I can’t help but think the time might come when he realizes that whether he was nicked by shrapnel or an actual bullet he’s incredibly lucky to be alive. AND that his life was needlessly endangered because his Secret Service detail was incompetent.
If it hasn’t been done for him he will take tremendous malevolent pleasure in calling them in one by one and issuing that signature line “Your Fired” to each and every one. If I were any one of them I’d sneak any personal items out of my desk/workspace at Marmalade A GO or Bedminster because at some point they might well be hustled straight from Trump’s presence to outside the gate. There will be no ‘we’ll forward your personal stuff to you.’ Oh hell no. Trump will order it all packed up and either dumped out in the ocean or taken somewhere and burned!
And Kimberly Cheatle? She may or may not have weathered the whole mess. But she was loyal to the agency that shaped her life and to her agents. At the expense of her career and future. Trump’s team wasn’t worthy of that sacrifice and I feel bad for Cheatle because if she doesn’t already know it the time will come when she will.
“Given the fact that his would be assassin was a lousy shot, and that had the young man been even a moderately good shot he’d be dead with half his head blown off I’m surprised Trump wants any of his detail on the job at all.”
Um, Denis, you know the principle of Occam’s razor? That the simplest explanation is probably the most correct explanation? Well, in Trump’s case, it’s because HE CAN’T AFFORD REAL SECURITY. He gets the Secret Service detail for free (and we all know the adage, “You get what you pay for”). Do you think there’s a member of ANY legitimate security operation that’s going to go to work as Trump’s private protection detail knowing there’s a good chance his paycheck is going to be “2 free rounds of golf at Mar-a-Lago (during the off season only)?”
Oh, another point. I have to wonder how many members of his detail tried to pull his fat ass down when he stood up for that absurd “thumbs up” photo shoot, only for him to wave them off? Trump is going to do what Trump wants to do, and NO ONE (not even the peons who’re supposed to be protecting his fat ass) is going to tell him any different–much less make him do something he doesn’t want to do.
Just think of it this way. His detail wouldn’t have had time to argue with him during the “crisis” and, if they’ve been with Trump all this time, then the most experienced of them probably told/indicated to the others “Just let him do his thing and try your damnedest to get him where we need to take him” and (hopefully) that person would’ve tried to speak with Trump (in private) to explain how that little photo op/stunt could have resulted in the shooter getting a fatal shot. Remember that Trump is like a 5-year old who insists on touching that hot burner on the stove or eating that chunk of unsweetened Baker’s chocolate, no matter how many times Mom (or Dad) says “Don’t do that” (and then has to deal with the scorched hand or the barfed-up chocolate mess). If someone explains to Trump (possibly with pictures) that “After there’s been a shot fired at you, you do NOT stand up. You crouch down and keep your head low, and let your bodyguards guide you to safety,” then there’s a good chance that if someone were to take another shot at Trump, he might not try to go for a photo op (though, this is Trump so “might” is a pretty big guess).
While President Trump had a notably larger Secret Service detail and whether they wanted to be or not they were fully plugged into the network of other agencies the Secret Service coordinates with. Plus, being mostly in DC they were under a more watchful eye from both their superiors but other agencies. Once he became a former President Trump, like Obama and others before him suddenly had a much reduced Secret Service detail. He could if he wanted choose among agents who wanted to leave the more hectic pace of the WH and he did. Being Trump the most important quality any of those who volunteered (and we’re told more volunteered than he was allotted) was the ability to suck up to him. Including giving in to his demands when all their training indicated against it.
That was played out for us all to see. Trump isn’t the first to chafe at a Secret Service detail or in the private sector their personally paid for one. Being rushed off stage or having an appearance cancelled isn’t a “good look” – especially the former. If things truly hit the fan (like here) with actual gunshots surrounding a procectee and bending him/her over at the waist while rushing them to safety simply can’t be done in a dignified manner. I get why Trump or anyone else wouldn’t want film and pictures of it.
Still, it was crazy stupid to give in to his demands to pause and stick his head up and pose/posture. Had there been another shooter out there (and ALL their training as well as the manual told them to assume their might be) and that one made a kill shot? The crazy we’ve seen would be nothing in comparison to what we’d be dealing with! No, training and procedure/protocol is clearly spelled out. Get him down as soon as shots start happening and cover him with your bodies. Assess him for injuries which luckly were very slight. It probably hurt more to have all those bodies pressing down than the nick on his ear! Once it was determined it was RELATIVELY safe to move Trump offstage stay tightly packed around him to get his feet under him, but KEEP HIM BENT OVER WITH HIS HEAD DOWN. Then as swiftly as possible get his fat ass off the stage and to the car, carrying him if necessary. Again, all their training taught them to assume a second shooter (or more) might be out there somewhere.
Nothing and I mean nothing in their training or procedure would allow for any pausing once the decision to move Trump offstage was made, much less allow him to stick his ugly mug up and pose. No, procedure is to make goddamed sure not a single inch was exposed from any direction between the podium and the car including shoving him in the backseat!
The very fact that, as you pointed out they gave into his demands is proof in and of itself that the agents have let their professional standards slip. The fact that shooter had access to the roof in the first place, or that from the time at least an hour before shot were fired he was identified as suspicious and his photo circulated and yet no one or a small team wasn’t tasked with keeping eyeballs on him, that he was allowed to disappear from LE multiple times is yet more proof Trump’s detail wasn’t on top of things.
Regardless of what they proved to qualify for the Presidential Protection part of the Secret Service their training took a back seat to what Trump wanted. In the years away from DC they became “Trump Trained” and if that kid had been a decent shot it would have cost Trump his life. However, while the incident was tragic Trump emerged barely scratched. Talk about a proverbial million dollar wound! Because his ass kissing Secret Service detail had not only grown lax over the years, giving in to his demands got Trump some priceless photos of him “shedding his blood like Jeebus.”
If, as he should and now seems quite possible Trump goes down to defeat this fall having his rally shot up will be the best thing that happened to Trump during his 2024 campaign.
I believe that local LEO’s need to get paid and Pervert Hoover doan do dat, which would lead to a shortage of humanpower in the crucial second ring of defense that the shooter was in. We hear all these these “but somebody saw him” reports, but my question is were there enough LEO’s on the ground to actually follow up on that?
Among the destructions that P.H. did during his tenure along with forcing the Secret Service to pay for being on his properties, was an overall gutting of the Secret Service.
True, his detail comes with the fact he was prez for 4 years. He would get a lesser detail than President Biden and V.P. Harris get but it ought to be competent at least. From what I saw those clowns were either extremely incompetent clowns and cheatle needs to be fired or they were in on the staged event and cheatle still needs to be fired.
I just hope the details provided to Joe and Kamala are better than those clowns.
And what’s with Donor’s impression of “Shoeless Joe From.Hannibal.MO”? How did he lose a shoe?
I say this as a,woman who.once left a sandal.in the middle of the street in a busy intersection of Towson,MD..In my case, my heel is a size narrower than the rest of my foot. To.keep.them.on.O have to wear.something laced like sneakers or British style walking oxford or Mary Janes with a,strap across.
I would assume that Ill Douche wears expensive possibly made to order loafers or oxfords. How did he lose those shoes? And what fell out of them? Messy peazy, if someone had tried to.kill me,,I would be far more worried about getting to safety than falling out of my shoes, but then I don’t have an ego so yuuuuuuge I have to plaster my name across every building I mortgage to the hily.
he wears lifts in his shoes, which might make them more likely to come off in the scrum.
This cheatle woman may be trying to cover the agency’s ass but doesn’t the President have access to any and all records she has? All communications-voice or electronic? I’m not sure who else would have access but President Biden surely does right?
The important fact is he missed! I, for one, am glad he did. If Trump had been killed, he would have received the kind of public fawning that would make me want to vomit. This way, he was injured no more severely than when I nick the mole on my face shaving. This way he HAS to endure what’s now happening, and hopefully ANOTHER DEFEAT! This one will hurt even worse since jail is looming for this criminal. I rather he live out the rest of his days in lockup and humiliation. It won’t undo all the evil he’s responsible for, but it would be a start. Oh, I wouldn’t expect Kamala to pardon him for any federal crime. Not gonna happen.
Of course a President Harris wouldn’t pardon the Melon Felon.
However, “his” Supreme Court could/would get him off the hook.
I have to believe that a SCOTUS attempt to get TFG off the hook will only succeed in bringing a level of heat, in the form of both impeachment resolutions and Constitutional Amendment proposals, with speedy action on both fronts, especially if Democrats control Congress. SCOTUS may even be able to predict their future if they try a stunt like that if election results go the way we hope, and just let Drumpf twist in the wind.
We’d have had J.D. Vance,who.hates women, childless people, and cats, making g sure every woman is forced to.give birth (and knowing the way evangelical Christians, likely forced to.marry because single moms are selfish b**ches, so women.must be married off by 25,_whether they like it or not).
Welcome to.The Hand aids Tale, courtesy of Vance.
Thanks for this, Dennis. I am no expert on security nor did I know any of these details, but I did suggest here right after the shooting that Trum’sp SS detail must be a bunch of fuckwads given their disgraceful record on J6 when some of them appeared more a part of the conspiracy than a deterrent to it. Although they did at least prevent him from going ot the capitol with the mob. But if any of you believe the complete loss of their phone records was an accident, I know a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in purchasing.
…and I have some freshly printed deeds to the bridge you can have for a small cut of the profits…
north…remember they said the ex president and president had immunity. Maybe president Kamala would slap THEM around with that ruling and override or reform them.
OR, they flawlessly played their part in the ballet which produced the desired effect of “I took a bullet for Democracy!”. CT? You REALLY think so?
Yes. I think the whole thing was staged just like on a movie set. The Orange Felon would have had no qualms at all with sacrificing one or more of the faithful to make it look real. I doubt the blood was anything other than stage blood Just too many irregularities for it to have been a real attempt.
Do you think this is at all related to the disappearing phone and other messages the SS destroyed after the 1/6 attempted US gov’t take down?
I don’t think the two things are linked so much that what happened with those agent’s phones if additional proof their oath office doesn’t mean jack to them. Their loyalty then and now is NOT to the Constitution they swore to protect and defend against ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. It’s to Trump.
Dennis, you got my meaning exactly right.
Too much of the facts of this event are being censored. Why the cover-up?
Unanswered questions in my mind:
Crooks was working as a dietary aide at a Nursing Home. Where did he get the money & time to purchase the ingredients for and assemble the bombs that were found in his car? The narrative pushed by the media was he was a lone wolf. That would seem to be impossible given the cost time and expertise needed for bomb making. And since he was living with his family how could he have purchased and made the bombs w/o anyone else knowing if he was truly a lone wolf? If did not purchase the ingredients and make the bombs himself where did he get the money to do so? Everything screams there were others involved who used him as a patsy.
As for law enforcement covering the event. Agree with Denis about Trump’s chosen/loyal Secret Service contingent who may not be the brightest bulbs, but contrast the SS security at the Butler County, PA event with the SS security currently present at Mar-a-Lago (also staffed by Trump chosen/approved SS agents) and something seems rotten. From the westbound lanes of the Southern Blvd. Bridge traversing the intracoastal waterway which overlooks Mar-a-Lago’s southwestern property border, there are raised Guard Towers with tinted bulletproof glass and a heavy presence of SS officers stationed there. As pointed out by Denis & others – Why wasn’t the same approach used at this rally with SS men stationed on the roofs of all nearby buildings where they can survey everything & everyone from every angle? Also, since June 20 (23 days before the assassination attempt) SS has closed public access to South Ocean Blvd. the closest vehicle/ground level approach to Mar-a-Lago. In addition to SS there were PA State Police and Butler County Sheriff’s Officers assigned to the rally. As is typical with layers of local, state and federal law enforcement there is always a hierarchy of command communication and responsibility. By every account, it seems only the hierarchy at the top failed. Trump’s SS – ignored local and state law enforcement for 90 minutes regarding Crooks’ suspicious movement and actions. These missteps seem egregious for a group whose assigned sole duty is to protect the President’s life.
Then there are the 12 or 13 days leading up to the Butler County rally following the Biden-Trump debate that Trump was strangely silent & not campaigning? That raises suspicion that similar to J6, there was planning at the highest level involving Trump to stage some part of this. Also suspicious is within 24 hours after the assassination attempt, Trump begins selling souvenirs to his MAGAt cult.
Then there is the bandage that appeared as photographed on Trump’s wrong ear that had not been injured. That seems impossible to happen unless a person has end stage dementia. And Trump himself would not have been the person applying the bandage. The only way someone other than a severely neurologically impaired person could make that mistake is if Trump’s ear was never injured to begin with and there was nothing to see, nothing to remind anyone which ear was hit. And why wear such a large bandage covering the entire ear unless you wanted to cover up all evidence of being hit to begin with. Also, the medical report released by Trump’s “former doctor” indicated a 2 cm wound and swelling. Yet a few days afterward when he is seen & photographed with the wrong ear bandaged, there is no evidence at all of stitches, redness, NOTHING on the exposed ear that was supposedly hit! It’s impossible for that type of wound to have healed that quickly.
I recall how frightened & cowardly Trump acted once before when firecrackers were exploded during one of Trump’s outdoor speeches. Yet this time when real bullets fly he acts the opposite & completely inappropriate for anyone who has ever been fully exposed with shots being fired at them. And as pointed out by Denis, SS responsible for protecting his life or who wanted for his life to be protected would NEVER allowed him to stand up again until the all clear was determined including no other gunman.
Finally, why is the mainstream media not asking and demanding the answers to these same questions?
Steve, only an idiot would believe Trump bandaged the wrong ear. Are you aware of the flipped photo phenomenon?