Donald Trump welcomed USA’s Winter Olympians to the White House on Friday. Along with telling them that he was proud of their accomplishments, Trump (as per his usual) took the credit for some of their success.  “You performed and you made us very proud.  And many of you came home as champions wearing a bronze, […]
It is not going to surprise anybody who has been following Donald Trump for longer than five minutes that while the appearance of a bromance between himself and Michael Cohen may appear to be the case, the truth of the matter is that Trump has been playing Cohen and using him, starting with dangling the […]
The President of the United States’ “personal attorney,” who brokered a “deal” on behalf of his “client” (the president) with a porn star, will assert his 5th Amendment rights with respect to the investigation into his deal with Ms. Daniels, according to NBC News. Okayyyyy. Meanwhile, Trump has informed the SDNY Fed District Court that […]
Yeah, the trouble has gotten upstairs, where it is hard to fix. You can’t make this stuff up.
Sorry, the “breaking news” in this submission is the “breaking news” that this country has conditioned itself to being run by an old-school, dictator-wanna be, cigar-chomping, medal-wearing, balcony-standing, impulsive, man-boy. It is no longer “breaking news” when the President of the United States, rage tweets, spewing vicious hatred toward a specifically-named reporter and source, and […]
Donald Trump touts himself as a “brand” an ineffable, inscrutable, as potent as it is unascertainable, he persuades us, brand. That may have been the case for some number of years, but as of 2015, the brand has been in steady decline. “The wall that he [built] was more around his merchandise than it was […]
If I were you, I wouldn’t waste all of my time glued to MSNBC, or CNN, waiting for the flash news that Michael Cohen has agreed to cooperate with the FBI investigators. Yes, I know, Cohen is under incredible pressure to flip since the FBI raid. But I don’t think that the pressure is anywhere […]
Ivana Trump is one of the more skillful trolls in the celebrity-verse these days. Today she told Page Six: that her ex husband shouldn’t seek re-election in 2020. The messages you can find between the lines are priceless. “I’ll tell you something, I don’t think it’s necessary.” “He has a good life and he has […]
The pen is mightier than the sword and facts are mightier than the fulminations of Donald Trump, who was probably in a worse humor than normal when tweeting today after being rejected by the Bushes, who didn’t want him at Barbara’s funeral. Trump...
On Thursday, Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels lawyer, made a bold prediction on Nicole Wallace’s show: This is a very, very serious matter for the president at this point. There’s no question that Michael Cohen knows where many, many bodies are buried. They are going to turn him. And when they turn him, the president is […]



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead