The jig is up. Trump is cornered like a rat and he knows it. For the first time in his life, he is going to be held accountable and he can’t blame his problems on the “Never Trumpers, George...
This is a copy of the New York Times, which Donald Trump saw fit to annotate, autograph, frame, and send to then-Speaker Pelosi. Baby, you're the greatest, was Trump's pitch to Pelosi back in 2007. Today, he went out of...
Did you hear that Toyko rocked with an earth tremor, as Air Force One was preparing it's final descent with Donald Trump onboard? It did indeed, which shows that even Mother Earth was not looking forward to this buffoon...
According to Rawstory, Trump dumped Bolton due to opposing views regarding peace talks with everyone, including the Taliban, Iran and North Korea. Trump wants that damn Nobel Peace prize. The black guy got one, so Trump will even befriend the...
Isn't it interesting that two of the giants of social media, Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, have to police the Child in Chief in the Oval Office, because he can't be trusted to police himself? And apparently neither can...
Investigative journalist Craig Unger holds nothing back in his new book House of Putin, House of Trump. In the book, Unger finds that Trump was targeted by the Russian mob long ago, as far back as 1984. This is not the...
Eric Columbus is a former Obama appointee to DOJ/DHS. Here are his views on Trump’s upcoming magical mystery tour to the southern border, where the fantasy “national security and humanitarian crisis” is being fabricated, in order to gin up the...
We take a brief break from concerns as to the state of a world teetering on the brink right now to make sure we don't miss any of the craven, desperate principles with which Trump governs: Trump proposed holding...
According to the New York Times, Twitter will begin removing millions of suspicious accounts from users’ followers on Thursday.  Apparently, users have "inflated their followers on Twitter or other services with automated or fake accounts, buying the appearance of...
Weekends. Especially in summer. Fewer staff around to insist upon attending to something that matters, great big houses all over the place, from D.C., to NYC, NJ and Mara Lago, just to putter around in, and think. It would seem...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead