It's no secret that Donald Trump is revenge oriented. All the world is his enemy. He has no real friends and most of his allies are on his payroll, including his children. Transactional relationships are his modus operandi. Ironically,...
I'm surprised that this took so long. Donald Trump was dumped from the Forbes 400 last week. I'm seriously wondering if that fact was hidden from him because he melted down Monday morning on Truth Social and that makes...
You may recall Hanlon's Law which states: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." So perhaps what you're about to read, which is the worst take on the awful events in Israel this weekend that...
You recall how Michael Cohen said that Donald Trump would always telegraph his ideas? He didn't need to come right out and say do this or that, but like all mob bosses he let his subordinates know the result...
Is it real or is it AI? Both, meaning what you're about to see is a photo op that Donald Trump put together years ago, which is now being reposted due to a photo that Trump posted of himself...
I love Trumpian logic. If you lose an election, it's because it was stolen. If a gawdawful nasal karaoke song isn't a hit, it's because you were shadow banned. It never occurs to anyone named Trump that maybe they...
Not sure what to make of this one. This is a Newsmax clip of Trump talking today in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. You saw some clips in a piece here earlier today of him in Waterloo, Iowa. This one is...
Donald Trump has reached the self-parody stage of his act. He keeps coming up with zanier and more improbable material than ever before. And he's able to do that at a cult rally. In any kind of a normal...
Another cult gathering in the Hawkeye State. The Mango Monarch is expected to talk big about the recent skirmish in Israel and how it never would have happened on his watch because he's so powerful and omniscient. Meanwhile, all...
Trump is having a sad tonight. Or maybe a rage fest. Or maybe bouncing rapidly back and forth between the two at increasing speed like the old Pong video game. (I think you have to be an old fart...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead