You may recall Hanlon’s Law which states: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” So perhaps what you’re about to read, which is the worst take on the awful events in Israel this weekend that you’re likely to see, is simply the Mango Moron being precisely that. Nevertheless, this faux pas and other lies from the GOP are not what’s needed in a time of war.

Read the second sentence, “Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks.” Wrong. Not a nickel of taxpayer money went to Iran, only their own and only with the condition that the money be used for food or medicine or other humanitarian purposes for the Iranian people. But it’s the next part which is the doozy. “Which many reports are saying came from the Biden administration.” The attacks came from the Biden administration? So Joe Biden attacked Israel? Sweet Jesus on a bagel.

And that’s the warm up. It gets much worse in GOPer land after that. (Many thanks to Charlie Sykes for finding all this.)

It’s not a “stark truth” it’s a bald faced lie — and the new GOP talking point, make no mistake ladies and gentleman. This is their new emails/Benghazi level talking point. You will hear it a thousand times and then it will be accepted as fact, except by people looking it up to begin with. Once again, here is what national security correspondent for Fox News no less, Jennifer Griffin, clarified. If the truth is on Fox News and it’s still getting buried by the GOP, that is a landmark.

But why talk facts when there’s hysteria mongering to be done?


Then from the ridiculous to the sub-ridiculous.

That’s just a sampling. There’s a lot more. War is not a time for disinformation. War, by its very nature, is difficult to keep accurate tabs on. Casualty counts, strategies, tactics, it’s all crucial information. In this particular conflict, and in the Ukraine war as well, politically convenient lies rule the day.

America never behaved like this before. That’s one of the reasons we’re in a new conflict. The fact that one chamber of congress is frozen right now, leaderless, and the other chamber is hamstrung by an idiot football coach who is sandbagging military promotions, is part of the backstory that led up to this conflict.

Maybe we should make up tee shirts with the truth about the $6 billion. America needs the information that the GOP is doing its best to bury.

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  1. I wish someone would shut his F’n mouth…permanently with some super glue!!! Why are we subjected to his obnoxious bull**it?? I really, really, really hate this man with a passion!!!!!!! LOCK HIM THE F**K UP, ALREADY!!!!!

    • Trump’s on a roll with this. He loves this. He has no idea what’s really going on over in Israel, the vicious atrocities that come with any war, it’s just all part of his Catskills comic act. He welcomes it as fresh material, oblivious to the true nature of things.

  2. “many say” one of his favorites. Non attributable but posed as fact.
    If only Fred had used a condom or pulled out early, but then I suppose we’d just have some other idiot to deal with as there seems to be an abundance available to choose from.

    • There were other Trump children. Seeing what an a-hole their dad was they distanced themselves from him and the family business.

    • But likely not one who would be embraced as the Second Coming of Jesus. For some reason he is insanely popular. I suspect it is because he says the quiet part out loud,making racism,religious bigotry, and misogyny permissible and even fashionable. He is also a household name from the Apprentice, same as Reagan was as an actor, so those folks feel they know him. For all those people he feels like a family member or friend and thus they trust and believe him. It spares them the painful requirement of actual thought.

  3. sweet tap-dancing jeebus these people are effing stupid. There is no difference between former guy, vance, or the rest of the ‘pube yahoos. Makes me wish for another pandemic since that’s the party that manages to kill more of it’s membership. F*ck I am sick of them.

    • Actually only FredJr. distanced himself. He was,greated badly by his father and became an alcoholic and died at 42.The sister was fine with having DJT pulling strings to get her made a judge. His brother Robert worked with Trump.Organization’s Trump Management division, thus working for/with Donnie Donuts.

    • All of the candidates that we’ve heard from in the past few days have embraced the $6 billion lie. Nikki Haley is pushing it as well. This is nauseating. But it’s not surprising, either.

  4. I am truly amazed at how some in this country seem to WANT to believe all his BS. It was an ill wind that blew the day he decided to run, and the Republicans decided to back him. This is all their doing. VOTE BLUE!!!

    • The GOP died the day they put Trump on the top of the ticket. We’re seeing them in their final throes right now. But that was actually the day they committed political sepukku.

  5. Maybe it is time for the billboards to shine again, even the portable ones in DC and other large cities … Also, these rats that have the attention on the public through their political adds should be sued by the truth squad for their TRUTH MANGLING actions, freedom to speak is NOT about LIES against the sitting PRESIDENT and his White House … Because, in fact, they are lies to the People, a sign they are NOT a choice for a new President …

    Someone of greater intelligence, should ask these fools if they actually know anything about the reserved Iran funding deal that WAS and IS about Iran’s own money, even I questioned what the hell they were thinking, obviously, it was in all the news at the time, and a little birdy would tell them the whole story if they checked the Congressional Library or National Records files … I guess they cannot punch up Iran’s Money in a search that would generate pages of TRUTH to these morons … I guess current events and large headlines are invisible or not needed for a future President … All these Republicans have been alive when this deal occurred … I think …

    • Kristen Welker had a chance to nail Nikki Haley on the facts on Sunday and she just sputtered a bit. I expect all the “news” people to do that. TV news really sucks in this day and age. Print media is better and small outlets that can afford to be independent are the best of all. David Cay Johnston writes for D.C. Report and that, and McClatchy, and a few others are good. The Messenger is another good one.

  6. Chair of the Republican Party said the war is the best thing that could happen to them. Right there is how they think. What sad state of affairs the Republican Party has become. Disgraceful.

    • The intelligentsia of the GOP jumped ship. The Never Trumpers are former GOPers, writers, strategists, brilliant people who wouldn’t commit political suicide en masse with the GOP. I’m thinking of Jennifer Rubin and the Lincoln Project people, primarily. The Bulwark people, also.

  7. Yeah, one day long ago when this money first came up I almost got in a fight with a bully type over the money. He really got upset when I had enough when I told him to shut up already about the money and that he was to stupid to explain where the money came from. Said he wanted to take me outside. I told him I was fine where I was at and if he was feeling froggy to go ahead and jump. Of course we were in a drinking establishment and he went over into a corner to cry into his beer. I just don’t understand people with intelligence doing this. It’s embarrassing to talk to someone smart acting so stupid. And I seen that Nikki slut do her little rant. It’s plain as day. All Trump has to do is walk into a room with Nikki and say Heel Bitch! and she would be on her hands and knees shaking that ass like a stripper at the 5 dollar table. And I still can’t figure out why that clown is still walking around loose. And I seen somewhere where he keeps his secret service if he goes to prison. If that ain’t a bunch of crap.

  8. First of all, I do not condone the attack by Hamas but, in fairness, I think it should be pointed out that Trump’s overt backing for the Netanyahu regime, including moving the Embassy to Jerusalem in defiance of UN resolutions (along with Israel’s continued flaunting of any and all UN resolutions regarding the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza strip, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights) , the outright theft of Palestinian owned land and the ‘Abraham Accords’ which basically freed up Israeli forces by removing threats from some Muslim countries and emboldened Israel to come down even harder in making the Gaza strip into a ghetto and actively promoting an apartheid regime which, believe it or not, includes a ban on marriages between different religions – Christians can’t marry Muslims, and so on.

    When you push a people too far, nasty things can result. (trust me on that one – I’m from Belfast and I’ve seen it happen here)


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