There is a website in the world, TrumpCardPatriotsSOAR dot com, which is described as a "straight conspiracy theory hell hole" by Patriot Takes, one of my favorite sources of RWNJ clips and clues. The site has put together a...
Social media in general is a mish mash of all spectrums of thought and expressive ability. Twitter contains everything from the best legal and journalistic analysis to a profane cesspool of gibberish. Then you get to right-wing social media,...
Few people perfectly embody a cliche, but Donald Trump is the living, breathing example of the phrase, "If his lips are moving, he's lying." Trump and fellow pussy grabber Bill O'Reilly have the history tour set up for December...
As you read this, bear in mind one major aspect of immunity in exchange for testimony: only one defendant can do it. There's only one sweet deal to be had, first comer takes all. Regarding the Trump Organization and...
This makes a lot of sense. John McCain considered Donald Trump an "asshole" and an "idiot" according to his former chief of staff Grant Woods. He didn't want to give Trump the time of day, especially when Trump made...
Lev Parnas, one of Rudy Giuliani's henchmen, describes himself as "post Trump cult." It's certainly always entertaining to talk to a deprogrammed Trumpie, no doubt about that. Poor Donald Junior has a case of the sadz again today, probably...
Unless memory fails me, even Dubya used to read books and comment on them, and he indisputably had the worst rep for being non-intellectual since Harry Truman -- until Donald Trump came along and made everybody look like a...
Donald Trump Jr. is not well. That much has been evident for some time. His tweet showing Daddy flying on an eagle over a MAGAfied Mt. Rushmore earlier today fell flat on its face and then he sent a...
Classless and clueless to the max, Donald Trump Jr. sent out greetings on the 4th of July. To any normal sensibility this is greetings from Hell on the 4th of July. Or maybe Oz, with Trump as the wicked...
If we had to choose only one character in Trump world to designate as Pied Piper and listen to his tune, only, Michael Cohen would be the guy. He's called the shots right so far. Here's his latest. Mary Trump...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead