Few people perfectly embody a cliche, but Donald Trump is the living, breathing example of the phrase, “If his lips are moving, he’s lying.” Trump and fellow pussy grabber Bill O’Reilly have the history tour set up for December and with that in mind, O’Reilly did an interview of Trump. If this is any example of what the tour will be like, expect lies, revisionist history, and most surprisingly, O’Reilly pissing Trump off. That’s a new one.

No, he’s not the most controversial president, he’s merely the greatest. The greatest left office with an approval rating of 34% and 400,000 people dead from the coronavirus. In Trump’s lexicon that’s greatness, because he lives in a world of his own, and by his reckoning, that’s just fine.

The History Tour is set to take place in Florida and Texas the week of December 11 to the 19th. It was conceived as a living history kind of a series, with Trump giving insight into his role in history, kind of a fireside chat with Edward R. Murrow arrangement. Look for it to be Firesign Theater instead.


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  1. The man is simply incapable of speaking truthfully and his huge ego won’t allow him to acknowledge the horrible results of his downplaying the corona virus. And that’s just scratching the surface of this monster’s crimes.

  2. The “I Think We’re All Bozos The Bastard Clowns On This Bus” tour? Their breaking of the President skit turns out to have been prophetic. Makes me wonder why DOES the porridge bird take shits inside Trump’s head? I guess we’ll never know but it explains a few things!

  3. I’m sure it will be featured in the Trump Presidential Library, which will no doubt be housed in a Trump property, so he can collect rent and a cut from the g(r)ift shop.


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