By now you've heard that the state of New York is suing Donald Trump and his kids for "persistent illegal activity." What you may not have heard - yet, are the details as to the specific allegations, allegations which...
Michael Cohen is up to his eyeballs in legal and financial problems. He just hocked the family home in order to save the taxicab business, and his very expensive lawyers just dropped him. Michael Avenatti guestimated that McDermot, Will...
Per CNBC, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood sued President Donald Trump and three of the Trump kids - surely Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka, claiming "a pattern of persistent illegal conduct" for more than a decade at the charity...
Rachel Maddow spent much of her show last night focused on a single nugget within a NY Times report on Trump billionaire buddy Tom Barrack (exquisite irony in the name of your friend, Mr. Pres, more ironic if he...
*** I originally reported this as if the Hill made the report today, the report about the business is actually well over a year old. It is relevant today because it appears that the Saudis and UAE bombed a...
Sean Hannity is still in Singapore. He is still in Singapore because he does not want to be "in-transit" when the DOJ Inspector General releases his report on the FBI's handling of the Clinton Email investigation. You read that correctly, Sean...
Since the day the Perpetual Motion Pie Hole that is Donald Trump announced his candidacy, he has taken the truth for a spin in his personal taffy pulling machine. His constant, often gratuitous lying has made him unbelievable on...
ABC news reporting stuff that will send Trump down into the restroom for a bit: As attorneys for Michael Cohen rush to meet Judge Kimba Wood’s Friday deadline to complete a privilege review of over 3.7 million documents seized in...
In a Daily Beast column titled “Art of the Moron,” Republican Strategist Wilson writes a merciless analysis of the summit, saying it was absurd for Trump call it a victory by pointing to a joint statement signed by the...
"Kim Jung Un loves his people." Donald Trump The United States has never had the moral authority it acted as though it deserved, or even pretended to have, but it used to have some, no matter how much our human rights...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead