Please Dios, let this be the start of something big. Fresh off of another political version of a bachelor party in Florida last night, His Lowness is obviously full of piss and vinegar. Now he's picking a public fight...
A little while ago I read a piece from Newsweek describing how President Biden and former President Trump marked yesterday. Veteran's Day. I doubt you'll be surprised to learn they struck rather different tones as the day progressed. Ever since...
First of all, a good day to you both, and thanks for your time and attention. When it comes to politics, you've both had a pretty good run playing the same game, portraying yourselves as the last of the...
This will be quick, I promise. But then again, when your case against the douche bag in chief is this open and shut, it shouldn't take long. It was only a bit more than a week ago that FUX News...
In order to keep your faith intact, make sure it remains unsullied by fact It continues to amaze the mainstream media that no matter how many state and federal indictments pile up, his primary poll numbers continue to show him...
Here goes history, rhyming again. It was late night on November 8th, 1923 in the city of Munich, Germany. A 3rd rate loser of a politician held a rally  of about 2,000 brown shirted followers in a Munich beer hall. He...
Tommy Fisher is nothing if not persistent. A contractor and builder, in the southwest, Fisher took one look at Trump's 2016 promise to build a border wall, and visions of sugarplums with dollar sign wings danced in his head....
These are people, I swear, when they put one foot forward, they have absolutely NO idea of what to do with the other foot   Tom Jimson   Drowned Hopes Welcome back. I swear, some nights the fun just never ends! As...
This has gone for far too long. West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin is that rarest of all unicorns, a Blue Dog Democrat. A Democrat that manages to get elected, and then repeatedly reelected in a solidly blue state. And in...
You know what? You can love Joe Biden, or you can hate him, or you could care less. Me personally? I love the guy. But one thing you have to admit, no matter what your feelings. When you look...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead