You know what? You can love Joe Biden, or you can hate him, or you could care less. Me personally? I love the guy. But one thing you have to admit, no matter what your feelings. When you look at Joe Biden, What you see is what you get. Even if it was a wee more than you wanted once in a while.

Yesterday, after announcing that the administration was taking the step of banning the import of russian oil and natural gas, a reporter on the rope line yelled a question to Biden as he walked by, If you ban Russian oil and natural gas, what’s going to happen to gas prices at the pump? At which point Biden turned his head and yelled back, They’re going to go up! What did you think? Typical Joe, but in this instance, just maybe a saving grace.

Biden ran on, and in his inauguration speech highlighted the fact that he would always be straight with the American people, And he has done so. Sometimes almost brutally. At the height of the Covid crisis, he was behind the podium almost every other day, laying out facts and spreading plain truth in simple English. He practically begged US citizens to get the life saving vaccines that were nationally available, and laid out the projected results.

Biden actually got out over his skis when he went before the cameras and proudly pronounced our Independence Day from Covid last year before the July 4th holiday. But Biden was speaking from the heart, with the best information he had available. He had no way of knowing that the Delta variant would be so virulent, or spread so quickly, or that largely GOP dominated southern states would be so hard hit.

This all hit me tonight, when Alicia Menendez, subbing for Lawrence O’Donnell on The Last Word asked historian Jon Meacham how President Biden should talk to the American people about the conflict in Ukraine. And Meacham’s answer was simple and stark, Tell them the truth. No spin here, that’s the worst thing he could do. This is a serious situation potential consequences for the American people, and they need to know the facts.

What a difference an election makes, huh? As I said, you can love Biden or hate him, but the one thing you can’t do is to accuse him of gaslighting the American people. Right after we come off of a dipshit traitor who spent an entire four year presidency, and every day since being ousted by spreading so much bullshit that Kansas won’t need fertilizer for 20 years.

And this may be critically important going forward. Because the images almost nonstop, 24/7 of the first widespread ground war to take place in Europe since 1945 has Americans paying attention. And Americans are smart enough to know that we’re only a razors edge away from American troops being in live fire combat in Europe. They want facts, not bullshit. And facts are all that Biden has given them since day one.

Look, forget about the Trombies, both voters and incumbents. Those slobbering morons can’t even remember to zip up before they leave the bathroom. My personal opinion is that the vast majority of Americans, soft Democratic, soft Republican, and independent voters, actually like a President that treats them like actual adults, and not febrile kindergartners who have to be coddled. After 71% of Americans are willing to pay more for gas to support Ukraine and punish Putin. Just keep telling the truth Mr. President. Your candidates and incumbents can opt up with the Trombies for supporting Putin.


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  1. I’m reminded of an episode of West Wing and an exchange between C.J. and Charlie. The former, like her boss Toby had been freaking out over Charlie being the source for a story about what the President’s favorite foods were because it had included a question about were there things the President didn’t care for and Charlie, being honest mentioned the President wasn’t a fan of green beans. With it being election year and Oregon (a huge producer of green beans) being important in the electoral strategy as I said C.J. and Toby were freaking out. C.J. admonishes Charlie and he responds what the hell? She then says everyone gets stupid during an election year.

    Charlie, this thirty something thousand a year personal aide to the President looks her dead in the eye and retorts “No. Everybody gets treated stupid during an election year!”

    It knocked some sense into C.J. who proceeded to talk some sense to the rest of the senior staff.

    Trump is proof some voters are willing, even eager to be told only what they want to hear but the fact is there is still a majority out there who prefer being treated like adults. And some of those goobers who didn’t vote for Trump for taxes or even judges but because they saw him as strong and decisive (WTF?) are starting to look at Biden on some things and realize what he’s saying matches up with what they see in their actual lives. And what they see when a TV somewhere is tuned to something other than Fox. Not many, but even if five percent peel off and even if they can’t bring themselves to vote for a Democrat they will decide to sit things out. That can make all the difference this fall.

  2. Who is this clown? Biden has been lying to the public for almost 50 years.He and the idiots like him,are the reason we’re in the shape we’re in now. He has an opinion, but that’s about it.



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