Are You Ready For The Trump “Crash?”


These are people, I swear, when they put one foot forward, they have absolutely NO idea of what to do with the other foot   Tom Jimson   Drowned Hopes

Welcome back. I swear, some nights the fun just never ends! As many of you already know, earlier this week the European Union announced that they are reopening their countries for travel from other countries, having successfully knocked down, and at least for the present, the coronavirus. But there’s a catch there. Having taken care of their own business, the EU is in no hurry to reintroduce the virus to their countries. And therefore, the United States is on an embargo list for travel to the EU. In other words, we ain’t traveling to the other side of the pond anytime soon.

Let’s pause for just a moment for a brief review of recent global history. In late February heading into early March, the coronavirus was rampaging over the glove. At about the same time that most European countries were affecting draconian measures to try to stall the damage of the virus, many American states were instituting their own lockdown provisions to fight the virus. When I say many American states, feel free to read progressive Democratic Governors who trusted science. At that point, statistically, pretty much everybody was on a level playing field.

Flash forward 4 months. The countries of the European Union, whose countries acted swiftly with a unified government response, have largely got the virus under control. Meanwhile, the United States is now the leading health crisis for the entire globe. What in the hell happened to have the European countries flattening their rate of infection, while the United States sets a new record every damn day?

There are a couple of reasons for this. The European countries spoke with a centralized, unified response, putting their entire nations under the same, unified restrictions. The Trump administration refused to even consider the virus a national emergency, leaving 50 separate state Governors to deal with the problem through a hodge-podge of restrictions and regulations. And the European governments quite properly diagnosed the virus as a healthcare emergency, while Trump read it as a political issue with economic ramifications. This was a tragic miscalculation.

But the worst miscalculation was Trump mandating that states reopen as quickly as possible, in order to juice up the economy, his only platform to run on. There was an ingrained fallacy in this. Following the initial collapse of the stock market as the companies tried to come to grips with the new world order, it turned out that the companies that occupy the Dow Jones 500 were well enough protected to rebound fairly quickly. While tens of millions of Americans filed for unemployment, the Dow made up almost half of its initial losses within a few weeks.

But here’s the McGuffin. In a few days, the European Union will reopen for business. And the United States isn’t invited to the party! Most Asian countries have also flattened out their curves, and they’re ready to both travel, and receive travelers to get back to business as usual. The United States as  quickly as possible. And because they took the time and trouble to get their curve under control, they will be welcome visitors in EU. The EU reject list is actually rather ratified, but still includes countries like Russia, Brazil, and The United States.

Trump has been ballyhooing nonstop about Making America Great Again! But as much as no man is an island, neither anymore is any country. The US economy us no longer a monolithic institution, it is part of something greater normally referred to as The Global Economy. And the United States has just been left out of the global economy poker table, and just when the stakes were getting interesting.

Granted, most large, multinational US companies have offices in other world power markets. But there are still times when the personal touch is needed. And US business executives are about to be excluded from having a seat at the table. And it couldn’t happen at a worse time. Southern and southwestern states are already rolling back their early reopening plans in response to the insane spikes of the coronavirus due to the hurried re-openings when every signal flashed red. If those don’t work, mark my words, you are going to see states start to once again reimpose mandatory stay-at-home orders. And that will be Trump’s Waterloo.

America still exports goods, and products, as well as services. Should the US states begin to shut down again, there goes poultry, beef, pork, and produce, along with manufactured goods that the US produces. And when this shit burger hits the fan, US companies are not going to have the necessary people where they need to be internationally to even try to put out the fires. It is going to be a debacle, mainly because the United States, by its negligence, put itself at an unnecessarily disadvantageous position. Donald Trump purposefully forced an early reopening of the US economy in order to further his own short term gains. But the US economy is not an island, and if states start re-instituting lockdown orders, there won’t be any quick bounce back from the stock market this time.Strap in, rough seas are ahead.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35S

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  1. He is a traitor. That is the only explanation for anything he has done. He could have hopped on this virus in November or December when he learned of it and tested and quarantined all incoming from Asia and Europe, etc. He should have bought the test from China or Korea or where ever and used his power to force American capitalist to manufacture whatever was needed, rather than force poor people to risk their lives working in meat processing plants. He would have sailed to re-election.

    Same with this bounty thing. I know he was trying to grift with the medical supplies maybe, but my god is he that hard up for money? And the same is true with the bounty thing. Don’t know or care why he is a traitor. Never have. But I have know from the summer of 2016 and I think everyone else knew then, too.

    • Also, I think he has done so much damage that the US will ultimately drag the entire world into a depression. As much as all politicians whine about manufacturing jobs, the US still manufactures more than all other countries. It has been a global economy since before the Revolutionary war if you think about it. It is just now it is a thousand times faster, etc. When a major cog of that machine is busted…..

    • I stand by what I told you before, Blue. To betray something, you have to believe in it first. And the only thing he’s ever believed in was his own overestimated competence…with disastrous results. He only cares about him, no one else.

      As to the global economy, we’ll drag the rest of the world down, sure. But this time, I’m pretty sure they’re going to move on without us. During the Great Recession, I got to calling what I saw around me “the Fourth World”. Turns out I was a little early.

      • Oh God I hope you are wrong. Fourth world is favelas and shanty towns and no human concern for their residents by any governmental entities. Even NGOs mostly give up on what is defined as fourth world. If you are interested, there is a very short documentary that details the horrors of living a fourth world existence.

        One of the issues raised in classroom discussion of this film is that the number cited, one billion in fourth world, will grow to two or three times this number in the next 50 years.

        if we even approach any of this existence in the USA, riots will be the tip of the iceberg; we have far too many guns in far too many hands in this country.

        • I’d like to be wrong, Carroll. For most of America, it likely won’t be the case. But I DID say “my part of the world” for a reason. If anywhere in this country has the potential to slip into favela status, it’s here.

    • In other words, if he was a completely different person in every way, with a different skill set, different knowledge base, different character and different personality, he might have done things that would have had him “sailing” to reelection. But that’s a Donald Trump who doesn’t exist.

      • Are you a little sick, like I am, Anastasia, of that particular “what if” scenario that totally denies the reality of Trump’s very being?

  2. All this was foreseeable, wasn’t it, Murf? The last of our soft power will be sapped away by this virus. Hell, at this point, I expect any cure or vaccine to come from a country that has this under control, which is no longer a description for us. Pray for those who have, are and will suffer for all this.

  3. Another very important aspect of this fiasco: in most other industrialized nations, healthcare is now regarded as – or at least treated as – a human right. Here in our Capitalist Paradise, it is regarded as an unmatched opportunity for gouging and profiteering, and if you can’t pay the vigorish, there’s a pauper’s grave somewhere with your name on it.

    These two competing models are now being severely road tested. The outcome seems already quite clear.

    • And in this particular case, both ends of the spectrum are roadblocks to getting universal access to affordable health care. Insisting that only ONE system — Medicare for All — is the solution, and making that a litmus test for everyone else is going to slow down progress on health care, if it hasn’t already, particularly when its most prominent spokesperson a. lies about it and b. has absolutely no roadmap to getting there to the point where he can be said to not actually HAVE a health care “plan,” just a dream.

      • I had a roommate who made these big architectural drawings of houses on a computer, would work on it for hours. She was pretty good too, far as I could tell, very detailed and meticulous. Yet when I asked if she’d thought about getting a degree in it, she balked, serving up some nonsense on why that was a bad idea. It was in line with how she ran the rest of her life.

        Thinking about it now, she was like the “Medicare For All” pushers in this respect: both preferred the perfect vision and dream over the messy reality of making it work.

  4. He doesn’t care about human life, he and his corrupt republicans look at this virus as a human cleansing. The elderly in nursing homes, prisoners, foreign workers, and even his deplorable fans, can take the fall, look how much money will be saved in social security, Medicare, with not having to pay for their care would be money in his buddies pockets, it’s like Bill O’Riley said, they are on their last leg anyway…I can only hope that besides mini hands losing, that every republican senator gets voted out of office.just pray that Karma kicks in and destroys all of these GREEDY, LYING, SELF SERVING MEGALOMANIACS AND WILL GET THEIR DUE.

    • I think that’s overly sophisticated thinking. He isn’t thinking about “cleansing” anymore than he is thinking about human welfare. He thinks of one thing: himself.

    • Karma, Fate, Destiny…whatever name you give it, it may be delayed but it is never denied. And the longer you put it off, the harder the blow.

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