I know, we've seen this movie at least a hundred times before. But this time just feels different. DA's don't invite targets to appear in front of the grand jury if they're not about to indict them. And local...
Even a bass wouldn't get in trouble if it just kept its big mouth shut! The consternation about having traffic court judge Aileen Cannon presiding over the trial of the century continues hot and fast in the media. For purposes of this...
You know, if they all lived in the same place, you might be able to explain it by saying It's something in the water. But they don't, they live all over, in places like Ohio, South Carolina, and Florida. And if...
I used to laugh when people would say that Melania Trump might be a battered spouse. Poor Melania. Save Melania. Blink twice if you need help, Melania. That's absurd. Melania is the perfect match for Donald Trump. They are...
Hey, Trump! Who's my little bitch?!   The ghost of Herbert Hoover You all know by now how I felt about the SOTU last night. As old as I am, I wasn't around for Harry Truman's Do nothing Congress dress down SOTU, and...
Lllllllet's get reeeeeeady to RRRRRRRRUMBLEEEEE!!!   Michael Buffer Everybody off of the phone from their final calls to their caterer for their debate watch party buffets? Ya know, maybe it's just my "old codger" showing through, but I don't remember the...
I just hope that the Democrats didn't commit the cardinal sin of over hyping Robert Mueller. As Mueller's actual testimony has loomed ever closer, both committee chairs, Nadler on Judiciary, and Schiff on Intelligence, have done a nice job...
Come on everybody, sing along with Murph! You all know the words! Come on folks! I have never been more positive about this country! We are the United States of America! There is nothing that we can't do if we all come together...
Welcome back, happy campers! In my last article, I promised to speak more on a very specific subject having to deal with Trump, and his unruly mob, and here I am. I keep my promises. Right now, every GOP incumbent,...
What a difference a legitimate Attorney General makes. The January 6th committee is going balls-to-the-wall with their subpoena issuance, and they're also being very aggressive on the setting of compliance dates. All of which is good, since you want...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead