Hell hath no fury like a ratings hound ignored. Donald Trump has been spewing out nastygrams on Truth Social with machine gun rapidity. He's trouncing all of his enemies, from Jack Smith to the Washington Post, but he has...
America has weathered many storms in her 246 years. She's been a participant in foreign wars and been attacked on her own soil. The winds of change have blown, sometimes at hurricane force, but she has withstood and persevered...
"Cocaine is a hell of a drug." -- Rick James There's a new reality TV show in town friends, and it's going to be pretty wild to watch. Donald Trump, Jr., has a podcast on Rumble. They are paying him...
Right-wing alternative platforms are big business. Rumble certainly is, with 71 million subscribers, mostly in the United States and Canada. Bull$hit sells, and sells well, apparently. Donald Trump, Jr. just inked a seven figure deal with Rumble to do two...
"Follow the money"  Ok, so Woodward & Bernstein source Mark Felt (Watergate's "Deep Throat") never actually said that.  At least not in those specific words but the sentiment holds.  Felt's guidance on that was crucial then, and it has applied...
Trumpty Dumpty broke a lot of eggs today. He didn't just drop a cartoon. He went into an egg factory and began blowing out the walls. All anybody knows is that he made one hell of a mess today....
We see amazing things in the press every day, but I'm pretty sure this has to be a first. When before have you seen a lawyer to a president, who also moonlights as a TV journalist, (or is Christina...
It's not surprising that Alex Jones would evoke a comparison to this particular Hollywood movie, A Few Good Men. We know what a slime ball the man is and all we've seen him do throughout this trial is attempt...
This new owner of Politico is scary. Rumors have been flying about the new management of Politico since last year. The first I got wind of anything strange was an article in Puck a few months ago, about a...
I'll be honest, I have no idea of what the straw-that-broke-the-camel's- back moment was that made the Democrats finally sit up, look around, and decide that the time had come to finally punch the bully in the snoot. But I could...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead