Hell hath no fury like a ratings hound ignored. Donald Trump has been spewing out nastygrams on Truth Social with machine gun rapidity. He’s trouncing all of his enemies, from Jack Smith to the Washington Post, but he has a special enmity for CNN.

CNN betrayed Trump. They were supposed to be the ne plus ultra of loyal networks, trumping even Fox News, and then CNN turned on him.

Trump will never forget, let alone forgive. And so he excretes yet another beyond parody post on Truth Social.

WAUGGHHH!! (pounds feet) So there! I’m gonna win the presidency for a THIRD time and then for a FOURTH and then a NINTH and then and then and then…. (clutches throat) (thud)

Mrs. Trump? Shall we get the smelling salts?

Fock, no. Let eem stay on floor. At leeest quiet now, yes? 

Trump knows all about ideology, theology, and sharkology. He is the world’s leading expert on all, just ask him.

Is this next one a home schooled MAGA or a Russian bot?

Man. My head would explode if I had to read too many of those. Maybe that’s the idea.

And just how do you know if your information is coming straight from God or not? Pat Robertson? Kenneth Copeland? Joel Osteen? I honestly don’t know which is worse, fake news or fake religion. Or fake religion masquerading as truth.

The South African humanitarian and journalist Laurens van der Post said, “Organized religion is making Christianity political, rather than making politics Christian.”

The people who post in Trump’s Truth Social threads are MAGAs, just like the ones he sent to storm the Capitol. This is how and what they “think.”

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    • Makes you wonder if Voltaire had a time machine and used to come live with us for a time. Or, it speaks to the never changing aspect of human nature, of politics and religion.

  1. I am so over his shtick of “I alone can fix it” – he never did anything close to that when he was president, unless you use “fix” in the sense of “fixing a ticket”.

  2. It’s weird enough when he refers to himself in the third-person, but what’s up with putting his name in “quotes”? Is that no longer his real name?


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