The Trump administration is considering "novel" approaches to stop mass-shootings. Of course, the administration is not considering restricting the sale of military armaments to the nation's average HVAC installer or PE teacher. No, the latest ideas focus upon monitoring...
An armed man in San Antonio named Ralph Pulliam sent Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton around "one hundred" email pages full of threats to Hispanics, including the threat to shoot Hispanics down in a "bloodbath." The Attorney General is...
Like a helter skelter, going down and down, round and round   Genesis   Tonight You all know me well enough by now to know that if there's one thing I love more than any other, it's the thought of the NRA...
Meghan McCain made an unceremonious return to The View by declaring that gun owners would "resort to violence" if their gun rights were to be restricted (nothing like "good guys with guns, huh?). This is terrifying, brought to us...
I wish Republicans would just settle on one alternative to "anything BUT the guns" causing mass shootings. I have just written that Trump-supporter Tony Perkins insists it is because we teach real science and prevent his idea of prayer in school....
This is deja vu vu vu -- meaning we've been over this same *%(@#l% ground so many times that it's a broken record. There are no new arguments or original insights to be made. It's meaningful that this latest...
Moscow Mitch couldn't be bothered with recalling the Senate back to Washington on an emergency basis to discuss gun control three weeks ago, because the shootings in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton weren't compelling enough, apparently. So add Odessa/Midland...
The New York Times recently ran three informative opinion pieces marking the fourth anniversary of the launch of “Gamergate” and the #Quinnspiracy that vomited up (via Breitbart and other “alt-right” sites) misogynist trolls like Mike Cernovich and Milo Yiannapolis who have plagued the earth ever...
This is getting more and more like an oldies FM radio station, "The hits just keep on coming!" Recently I wrote an article that told how the NRA was going to court to try and force a way for...
Traditionally, even in presidential years, this is the slowest time of the year for political news. Congress is on their August recess, and most vacations are over with, or just wrapping up. Parents are just finishing up last minute...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead