Moscow Mitch couldn’t be bothered with recalling the Senate back to Washington on an emergency basis to discuss gun control three weeks ago, because the shootings in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton weren’t compelling enough, apparently. So add Odessa/Midland to the list.

Details are sketchy, but another shooter or shooters opened fire at a Home Depot in Midland, Texas and shot twenty people. Here’s what is known at this time, which is approximately 3:10 p.m. Pacific. CBS 7 KOSA:

MIDLAND/ODESSA, Tx. (KOSA) — UPDATE: The City of Midland tells CBS7 that authorities have taken a suspect into custody at the Cinergy of Midland. No other details have been released.

The City of Odessa will be holding a press conference starting at 5:30 p.m. CBS7 will share the press conference live.

From the City of Midland: We believe there are two shooters in two separate vehicles. One suspect is believed to be at the Cinergy in Midland and the other is believed to be driving on Loop 250 in Midland. The two vehicles in question are: gold/white small Toyota truck and a USPS Postal Van. Please stay away from these areas and stay indoors.

USPS has recalled its vehicles to help authorities track down the suspect.

From the City of Odessa: 20 injuries have been reported in connection to the shooting. No other details are availabe at this time.

From DPS: The public is urged to avoid I-20 in Odessa, Midland and Big Spring as authorities search for a suspect who has shot several people including an officer.

The City of Odessa is urging the public to stay inside their homes.

The NRA controlled GOP and Senate needs to put country above party and special interests. If this iteration of the GOP can’t do that, then they all need to be impeached and thrown out of office. How many more murders will it take to wake people up to the fact that the country has been poisoned with racist and violent rhetoric and elected Republican officials refuse to pass proper gun control legislation because they don’t want the NRA to stop paying their freight? How many more freaking times do we have to HAVE this conversation?!!! 2020 is it, folks, it’s time to clean house. And I mean House — and Senate.

UPDATE 3:45 p.m. Pacific

Raw Story is reporting ten shot and one killed in this melee. One of the shooters was allegedly killed by police as well.

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  1. You may recall my late 1960s urban riot comparison to this situation, Ursula. Then as now, the more of these that crop up, the less likely people are going to put up with it.

  2. Like you say there are some nut jobs still stinking up the House, one of the worst being the nit wit that can’t seem to get fitted for a coat he can wear for more than a minute, like everyone else, running around spelching out stupid questions during committee meetings when interviewing people about something that demands serious observations, burning precious minutes with 2 year old performances … kind of like the, “himself in the WH”,.

    Miss-directions with demands for certain aspects of those details, trying to twist the blame around to Democrats, instead of laying the blame where it truly lies, the GOP loose cannons and the complimentary rhetoric to everything Trump …

    The whole workings of Trump are exhausting, explaining the tedious and inadequate failings of everyone ELSE, continuously, signing one order after the other in a cruel, nasty sadistic way to effect punishment on others especially poc and we see this happening … the gross sample to me is in his totally nasty photo op in PR’s last hurricane, stupid was throwing out those paper towels as some form of orgasmic pleasure, then left, never looked back, FEMA was fantastic, sent a bunch of BLUE canvas sheets down there to fix roofs and gaping walls, while Trump killed almost as many people in PR as were killed in the 9-11 attack with his ignorant isolation of our people …

    The facts of these shootings show the simple avoidance of change and improvement in systems in place COULD be working to slow down the safety of people ALL ACROSS our country, with the NRA push for legality of mass-killing machines as NORMAL household devices, AND it IS a huge money machine as well … how many of these military style rifles have been made and sold in the USA? MILLIONS???

    These are semi-auto weapons designed to kill people in quantity … the industries involved, just saying there were only about 1 million AR-15’s made and sold would amount to 650 to 750 dollars apiece, just for the guns themselves … not assigning these numbers to an individual provider or distributor but rather the massive total money wave involved … about 650,000,000. to 750,000,000. dollars … since there are probably more than just one million out there, one can easily imagine there are more than a billion dollars worth of arms sales alone on this one weapon …

    Now for the really disjointed and bizarre GOP’s functions in all this … by preventing better controls and returns to reasonable rules of ownership, this first million guns already out there present one million places a freaking nut job could spring from the woodwork which makes national controls of our safety look VERY fragile and the limp and flaccid GOP in the Senate are going to take all the blame home with them when they go home for their town hall meetings and WE need to broadcast the shame and stupidity of ignoring the rules, I’m talking about the S**t for Brains, “MOSCOWMITCH” … OUT OUT DAMN SPOT ….

  3. 5 dead, 20 injured, including three cops from various agencies.


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