The Iowa Caucus is the ritual that begins a presidential year. We are now on the cusp of that ritual happening in the year 2024. Any way you cut it, this Iowa Caucus and this presidential election are not...
Every time a new President, from either party is elected, the first midterms are universally seen as a mid term referendum on the first two years of the administration. And usually the administration takes it in the shorts. But there's...
All of the evangelicals can put their heads together and decide what this means: Is God miffed at Donald Trump and that's why he canceled his campaign speech in Des Moines? But God's okay with Ron DeSantis and his...
If Mike Pence didn't have a moment of clarity when he was scurrying through the tunnels under the Capitol, running for his life, then the man is hopeless and he deserves whatever else befalls him at the hands of...
Holy Civil War, Batman! Nikki Haley not only doesn't object to states seceding from the Union, she says the Constitution backs them up on it. I guess Honest Abe was confused. He seemed to believe that it was his...
I swear to God, this shit makes my week! Both the New York Times as well as New Yorker are reporting that Traitor Tot is telling close confidants that he has already made up his mind on a 2024 presidential run, and could...
Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it Oh, boy! Looks like Florida Governor Ron Pissantis really shit in his mess kit this time. The minute I saw the video on MSNBC tonight, my flashback was...
This is getting curiouser and curiouser. Fox News has a policy that they won't employ a contributor who runs for political office. In Lara Trump's case, she's the daughter-in-law of a candidate for political office. And that candidate declared...
I have this image of Roger Stone and Steve Bannon tossing down a few brewskies, in Bannon's exemplar a few cases, and laughing at the limitless stupidity of the MAGAs that they fleece for a living. I'll bet they...
There appears to be only one major area of agreement between the Democrats and the Republicans as the first tentative toes are placed in the 2024 presidential water, and that is that both parties agree that the GOP has...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead