Moscow Mitch. Just two simple words, but oh, how they warm the heart. Those two words are devastating for Mitch McConnell. They're simple. They're direct. They're catchy. They stick in the memory. And they lend themselves to the kinds...
As you know, I've been generally positive of the way that the DNC has run the primary debate process for 2020, but I will pick one bone with them. They really should have given a debate to FOX to sponsor....
Thank God tomorrow night ends this format. Look, I have no problem with how the DNC ran the debates. They had the Toledo phone book running for President, and they tried to give everybody a fair shot. But everybody...
We should look at 2018 with an awe almost bordering on reverence. 2018 was the Democratic party's Phoenix, rising triumphantly from the ashes of 2016. We flipped 40 seats, and wrested control of the House away from Paul Ryan's...
For four long, embarrassing, tortured years, Donald Trump has gotten away with being a virulent racist. He's gotten away with it mainly because the party he purports to represent has consistently ignored, laughed off, refused to comment on, or...
This should be interesting. One of the kind of neat ancillary benefits of the way that the DNC chose to populate the stages for the early debates is that it's a new show every week. In choosing the rosters...
The meek shall inherit the earth. But only after everybody else is dead.  Anonymous
Break out the band! Raise the flag! Send in the clowns! Gimme a beer! Our national sanity break is here. As of this moment, we're on...
Charlie Pierce introduced this topic better than I can:
There is simply no way to argue that the 2016 presidential election was a legitimate exercise in democratic self-government. There are too many bread crumbs leading in the same direction, somewhere...
For nigh on a year and a half now I have been saying that Donald Trump is literally killing the Republicans as a viable national party going forward. As a result, I have taken my fair share of incoming...
If this kind of news cycle keeps up, soon you can start looking forward to the newest Netflix piece of shit series, Wednesday is the new Friday. This upcoming Wednesday is Robert Mueller's long awaited, potentially make-or-break-impeachment in front of two...