Albert Einstein said, "The greater the knowledge, the lesser the ego. The lesser the knowledge, the greater the ego." Trump's knowledge is so abysmal that it makes sense that his ego would be the size of a T-Rex --...
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Stop being part of the fucking problem!   John McClain   Die Hard I know, I promise this will be the last one. But in one way or another I've...
Dum de dum dum dum. Cue the Dragnet music. You knew Saturday night that today would be a day of reckoning in Trumpworld after the feeble flop that was the Tulsa MAGA rally. It was supposed to be opening night...
The wait is over. After a full Sunday morning notable for the complete radio silence from Trump surrogates regarding the piddly ass crowd at his rally last night, they finally trotted out an excuse. But the method of delivery... They tell Trump, "it was smaller than we thought it would be and it sure wasn't as big as you promised -- but you've probably heard that before." Wicked. Absolutely wicked. I love it. They'll troll him to within...
I haven't had a case of the political warm and fuzzies like this since I can't even remember when. watching that camera pan around the arena, almost completely empty balconies exposed, made my heart sing. All night long, all I...
Apparently the bloom is officially off of the rose. Trump's much vaunted campaign launch rally is over, and to say that it was underwhelming would be kind. And the results of this rally are going to dog the Trump...
Donald Trump will go batshit when he sees this and he just might. A new video "Trump Is A Danger To Our Country" done by Republicans Voting Against Trump features two lifelong Republicans who are also residents of Oklahoma,...
The Trump family apparently can't go for very long at all without doing something illegal. It must be in their DNA. Here's what got the wire fraud ball rolling. Former White House Counsel Norm Eisen made this analysis. Then George Conway...
Saturday is Donald Trump's return to rallying, in defiance of all good sense. He insists on packing people together during a pandemic -- signed waivers and all -- and at a time when Oklahoma has seen a spike in...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead