This will positively drive Donald Trump up the paranoid wall when he finds out about it. Former DHS chief of staff Miles Taylor has formed a group called REPAIR, which is Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform. The group consists...
What a wicked web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Night 2 of the Republican National Convention was an experience in gaslighting, irony and hypocrisy which will not soon -- if ever -- be duplicated and I...
America has never had a Hatch Act Festival at the White House before tonight, where the law (which was enacted in 1939 to prevent "pernicious political activities" namely government employees campaigning on the job) was being broken flagrantly right...
It seems that one major plank in the Republican platform of late has been that Joe Biden and the Democrats won't keep us safe. Supposedly, the calls to divert funding away from police and demilitarize police are proof that...
Make America Fear Again should be the new Trump slogan, no question about it. If you watched the Republican National Convention last night, you learned that Joe Biden is a communist, California is awash in heroin needles, SEX DRUG...
There is going to be a roar of "Fake News!!" and the crash of a TV set splintering in Trump world when these stats filter upstairs to the Infant in Chief. Donald Trump lives for ratings. He's going to...
It's even money who was more loaded during Night One speeches at the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump, Jr. or his main squeeze Kimberly Guilfoyle. What's impossible to believe, is that these performances were pre-recorded, and nobody seeing them...
Seeing is believing. Here's a small clip of Donald Trump Jr., before he got to blaming the "Chinese Communist Party virus," and he looks pretty hammered. Plus, his delivery is frantic, compared to how he spoke at the RNC in...
Whatever Donald Trump tees up tonight, and the rest of the week at his televised grievance fest, masquerading as the Republican National Convention, the commercial breaks will throw a wet blanket on everything. Former DHS Chief of Staff Miles Taylor is...
The RNC should be something to watch Monday night, not just the thing itself but the commercial breaks. Take a look. Donald Trump says he doesn't know Taylor, the usual. Plus, even if he did admit to knowing Taylor, he...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead