There is going to be a roar of “Fake News!!” and the crash of a TV set splintering in Trump world when these stats filter upstairs to the Infant in Chief. Donald Trump lives for ratings. He’s going to have to cope with the fact that the first night of the Democratic National Convention got millions more viewers than the first night of his hate fest. Plus — and this is a biggy — his numbers are down 26% from what they were in 2016. Ouch. New Civil Rights Movement:

Night one for the GOP convention scored about 15.8 million viewers, which is a significant decline from Trump’s 2016 views. By contrast, the Democratic Party averaged about 18.7 million viewers over the major broadcast networks and leading three cable channels, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. The Democratic National Committee reported 35 million live views of their video streams across the four-night convention.

The numbers do not count online views as those can only be self-reported by the networks themselves. For example, CNN cited “31 million unique visitors and more than 9 million video starts across its desktop, mobile and OTT devices,” the network said on the first night of the convention. […]

But the numbers are 26 percent down from Trump’s first convention at a time that the president’s poll numbers are struggling and his ratings for his response to the coronavirus pandemic have been even worse.

The first night of the Republican Convention was supposed to be “diversity night,” with the GOP’s two non-white leaders taking the stage. The remainder of the GOP convention will feature only whites.

They shot their wad on diversity night and that has been received with less than wild acclimation. Now it’s the white supremacist agenda for three nights. Who knows what tonight will bring? The keynote speaker is Melania, in what may be her final public appearance. She has no plans to campaign for Trump beyond tonight. Don’t cry for me, Slovenia.



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    • What is their point? That more people watched them on C-Span than on the broadcast channels? Since when does C-Span get more viewers than CNN or MSNBC?

  1. Even worse, with Trump appearing every night, they’re unlikely to get the kind of viewership his 2016 acceptance speech got, since it’ll just be more of the same and anticlimactic.


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