The RNC should be something to watch Monday night, not just the thing itself but the commercial breaks. Take a look.

Donald Trump says he doesn’t know Taylor, the usual. Plus, even if he did admit to knowing Taylor, he would just call him another RINO, because that’s Trump’s go to excuse for the massive defection from Republican ranks that is taking place. Former Republican National Committee head Michael Steele joined the Lincoln Project today and a roster of Republicans, Jeff Flake among them, announced their support for Joe Biden.

The death throes of this iteration of the Republican party are interesting to watch. This ad alone should cause a major convulsion.

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  1. Dang! This should be good. Can’t stand watching Agent Orange in person so may need to pass on this one. But, isn’t that why we have streaming…and repeat?!

    • There will be cuts from the best/worst parts of the convention. It’s going to be a grievance fest. There is no GOP platform. Trump is just running on hot air and fomenting fear of socialist bogeymen. It’s all bullshit.

  2. I doubt it causes anything. MAGAts don’t care.They have mastered the art of “tuning it out”. For them, it’s a science.

    • Trump hasn’t. Trump can’t. Trump will see it. Trump will get pissed. Trump will do something stupid. THAT’S the real science behind the ad…get under the skin.

  3. Incidentally, it was good for Steele to join the Lincoln Project. According to reports the renowned founder, George, is taking a break to mend family matters with Kelllyanne and family. Their daughter is beyond a way smarty pants…

  4. Climate change takes a hit in Charlotte with all the flatulence pouring out of the mouths in trumptown. At least I won’t have to watch Satan’s beatch go on tv to Lie about Everything since she was brought down by s teenager. Ahhhh. There are rays of light after all.

  5. The best time(s) they can run this is during Hannity, or Fox & Friends because then Trump would see it. And of course explode in another fit of rage that will solidify support for Biden and scare Wall Street some more. They don’t want Democrats and regulation but they DO want some semblance of predictability.


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