Donald Trump declared this week that he wouldn't need any swing votes in 2020, that he could win reelection with his base alone. Unfortunately for Trump, he's the only one who has come to that conclusion. Independents voted decisively...
GOPers and troglodytes of all ages, here's your chance to be the first MAGAt on your block to be the last MAGAt on your block. The Trump campaign, headed up by Brad Parscale, at least for now, is selling...
Leave it to Rachel to always deliver. In her A-Block tonight, she led with the fact that TRMS could exclusively report that, in the progression of the Fulton County Georgia investigation into Trump's possible election interference in his dealings...
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo   Meditation enlightenment chant Calm your mind grasshopper, there are many long miles to go until this journey is complete. Or maybe not. Seems to me that we've been down this road before, and it turned out to be more...
It's a well known axiom that those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Steve Schmidt has a very interesting forecast for where the Republican party is headed in just a few days. Ulysses S. Grant...
Another Midas Touch classic. Creatures from the Trump lagoon.  
You may recall that Donald Trump had a new lawyer, one Cleta Mitchell, with him and advising him on his Saturday phone conference call with Brad Raffensperger and others. Mitchell was actually a partner at a reputable Washington law...
When historians of the future look back on this era when all of Trump's consorts and all of his kin couldn't put Trump world back together again, they will single out the Peter Navarro contempt trial as defining the...
*Full Disclosure* I did not see the entire debate last night, although I caught most of it. So, if there's something that you saw that struck you as critical that I don't talk about, it simply means I missed it, sorry. Several...
The events of the past few weeks are not only mesmerizing, they are historic. In the middle of a country already tasked by a pandemic and unemployment, the casual murders of black people kept mounting up at a rapid...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead