Another Midas Touch classic.

Creatures from the Trump lagoon.


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    • This is an industry now, Trump attack ads. I don’t know what attack ads Trump is airing. I think he’s got one where Joe Biden just sits quietly reading and that’s supposed to infer that Biden is out of it, I guess. Since Trump can’t read, he probably believes that people who do are just staring at the pages.

      • I’ve been seeing one here in NC that’s hitting Biden (and Democrats) on the “Defund the police” thing. Not as well done as the Lincoln Project and Meidas stuff but I suspect it will register with some. I hate the “defund” mantra. I realize it’s not quite as catchy a phrase, but the mantra should be De-MILITARIZE the Police. Police in this country get a lot less initial and ongoing training than in other places. More emphasis on appropriate response, de-escalation and especially calling in and utilizing other resources (i.e. mental health professionals) instead of spending more and more money on creating and equipping SWAT forces is what we need. We also need to shift funds to create and properly staff independent investigative units and prosecutorial teams in every state to examine use of deadly, and even serious force instead of relying on local investigation and (too often lack of) prosecution. There will always be a need for well-trained police. But they need proper training, and a system that holds individual officers and entire departments accountable. That means shifting money away from buying military surplus weapons and vehicles as well as ramping up SWAT style training (and the mentality that goes with it) and into mental health agencies, community outreach and other things that can prevent police from being needed in the first place.

  1. OH these ads just make me smile, smile smile! My smile muscles were beginning to atrophy, so sure nice to use them again.
    LoViNg these ads and Republicans (basically) are paying for them. More money in our coffers for other things. I do a lot locally with a Dem women’s group.
    President Tweet is up to his ears in swamp muck and sinking fast. YES!!! Gurgle, gurgle………

    • Did you ever think you would live long enough to see Republicans turn like this on an incumbent Republican “president?”

      • No, but should have seen it coming because the backstabbing and frontstabbing during 2015-2016 between the R candidates was so intense. The Bush Family (as corrupt as Jeb and G.W were/are) absolutely despise Trump in every way. Certain that both personally voted for Hillary in 2016; and that Jeb would have been the R nominee had Trump not had assistance from Russia and China rigging some R primaries just as happened in the 2016 general in PA, MI, WI to steal the Presidency away from Hillary.


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