You may recall that Donald Trump had a new lawyer, one Cleta Mitchell, with him and advising him on his Saturday phone conference call with Brad Raffensperger and others. Mitchell was actually a partner at a reputable Washington law firm, which reportedly said they were “concerned” over her representation of Trump. Today, Mitchell resigned. Washington Post:

Mitchell’s resignation came after the law firm on Monday issued a statement saying it was “concerned by” her role in the call. The firm noted that as a matter of policy, its attorneys do not represent “any parties seeking to contest the results of the election.”

The Washington Post on Sunday published audio and a transcript of the hour-long call in which Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn the election results. During the call, Mitchell complained that she had not been given access to certain information from Raffensperger’s office, and Trump relied on her to an extraordinary degree during the call.

The Post on Monday published a story detailing Mitchell’s transition from being a liberal Democrat to a conservative Republican, culminating in her role advising Trump during the call.

In its statement on Tuesday, the law firm said: “Cleta Mitchell has informed firm management of her decision to resign from Foley & Lardner effective immediately. Ms. Mitchell concluded that her departure was in the firm’s best interests, as well as in her own personal best interests. We thank her for her contributions to the firm and wish her well.”

It certainly doesn’t take much association with Trump to take a legal career from the boutique showroom to the Salvation Army donation box. It makes the head spin. It would be interesting to know what in the world Ms. Mitchell thought she would achieve by her 11th hour sign on with Team Trump and Strikeforce Rudy.

Oh well. I guess now she is free to do Kraken consultation with Sidney Powell, until they both don strait jackets.


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  1. Neither the first nor the last person whose life was ruined by being near Trump. Expect a deluge of such folks to follow by end of February.

  2. god this is better than a three ring circus… I too would value my job over this moron from hell… It speaks of the rational minds that are finally prevailing… Well if you hang around trump long enough, you might convince youre self that its true…God help us all and stay safe


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