This is an infuriating piece of news, but it's actually more of a good news bad news model. Bad news: the mocking schmuck is still out of prison and free. Good news: when the appeal loses, and it most assuredly...
Well, if this is not enough to get your blood boiling on the day before Election Day I don’t know what will do it. Yesterday in Miami, Florida, credibly accused sex offender and alleged child rapist Donald Trump took to...
This does my heart good. If there is one person in congress that I would like to see go down in flames, it is Lauren Boebert. She has made many enemies in Colorado and as I have said before,...
Like many red-blooded American boys I have had a crush on Valerie Bertinelli since she debuted on Television in 1975’s One Day At A Time. As sitcoms go, it was perhaps not the best of the era, competing with...
I am more of a Rock-n-Roller than a Rap music fan, so I have to admit that I never paid much attention to the musical stylings of Kanye West, although I would be the last to deny his talent…...
This is becoming as predictable as it is sickening. South Dakota Public Broadcasting “A state senate candidate is being charged with exposing a minor to sexual grooming behaviors. That’s a class four felony. Joel Koskan is a Republican running for state Senate in...
Wow. This is getting pretty far out on a limb, even for the likes of Gym Jim Jordan. It's only November 2, 2022. America has not yet voted, except for mail-in ballots and some early votes cast. That said,...
The workings of Geraldo Rivera’s mind remain incomprehensible to me, I mean here’s a guy who admits to being friends with one of the most disgusting slanderers of his own ethnic group, Donald Trump, while also admitting that he...
If you are a basically decent human being at any level, let alone a public official with some responsibility for at least pretending to care about the health and well being of our society, denouncing the vicious attack on...
I won’t post the video of Dinesh D’Felon giving voice to the vile sexual accusations against Paul Pelosi- vilely linked to by the new Chief Twit of Twitter and printed by the equally vile Santa Monica Observer - all...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead