I won’t post the video of Dinesh D’Felon giving voice to the vile sexual accusations against Paul Pelosi- vilely linked to by the new Chief Twit of Twitter and printed by the equally vile Santa Monica Observer – all three of whom should be sued into the fucking poorhouse and pilloried and flogged, or flogged and pilloried I don’t give a fuc* which.

But since it is Halloween, I’ll give you a scary and disgusting horror story and won’t have to slander or liable anyone to do so.

In violation of all that is wholesome and holy, it was, in some hideous and nightmarish alternate reality, once possible that D’Felon and Coutergeist, or D’Felon and the Iron Cross Maiden or D’Felon and another farm animal (allegedly) to have coupled and produced a demon spawn of hell.


“D’Souza and Fox host Laura Ingraham were once engaged, but they never married. An excerpt from Shock Jocks: Hate Speech and Talk Radio by Rory O’Connor with Aaron Cutler, claims that Ingraham “went to Dartmouth University and became the first female editor of the conservative Dartmouth Review, where conservative author Dinesh D’Souza, a former boyfriend, also worked.”

According to Inside Edition, D’Souza “dated Ann Coulter and was once engaged to conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham.”

In 2014, it was revealed that Ingraham wrote a letter in defense of D’Souza to the judge in his campaign finance case. “Ingraham wrote that she has known D’Souza since their time together at Dartmouth College and has known him to be ‘unpretentious’ with a ‘diligent approach to life,’” reported Politico.”

Jebus, fraulein hatchetface, you’re no GD prize looks wise, but exactly how many times did you have to look at that “diligent” and “unpretentious” face to say “Geez what a dweeb” and call the whole thing off? Christ, the world sure dodged a bullet there, any issue of the two of you two would likely have goose-stepped outta the womb, Screech-hair all a tangle, riding-crop in hand ready to goose the Rottweiler and push dear ole mom off the second floor landing.


Gotta do a cost benefit analysis on that one.

“D’Souza also dated Ann Coulter. A 2013 blog post claims that D’Souza left Ingraham for Coulter.

Vanity Fair described D’Souza by saying he “also became a hot commodity among blonde conservatives” known for “dating Laura Ingraham and then Ann Coulter.”

Heavy.com doesn’t specify which “2013 blog post” that reversal of fortune story came from, Laura, but I would be ready to sue them to hell and back for printing that.

I always heard you did the dumping.

But however that union came about, we can that all the tortured spirits of hell that those two never got preggers. What sort of reverse engineered centaur would have resulted from that clusterfuc* – with a D’Felon underdeveloped torso and hind-end topped by a horse’s face?

Now that’s scary.

Oh, and you can all go to hell.

Happy Halloween!

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  1. Frankly, I can’t imagine either Ingraham or Coulter being desperate enough to even have one date with D’Souza. From my perspective as a female, he is a POS personified. Zero going on.

  2. Well, who’s to say either Coulter or Ingraham DIDN’T get pregnant with Demon-seed-Ouza baby? Both of them are classic “blonde & blue” Aryans and a fling with some (to them) exotic guy is one thing, but having a baby that might have that same dark skin? Anyone getting between either of them on their way to their abortions would have been left as flat as if a steamroller had run over them! Sure, they’d have done a bit of “medical tourism” and paid a small fortune for false documents to avoid a paper trail but either could have managed such a thing. And, despite all their pronouncements about “sanctity of life/the unborn” you know goddamn good and well either of these assholes would have availed themselves of their right to an abortion rather than risk a dark skinned baby!

    So, while it would have made for a real life “Damien” it never, ever would have happened.

  3. My word, seems like the revolving-door lifestyle is just fine so long as it’s ‘pube cons doing the donging. What pieces of shit these cons are. Haven’t seen a one yet worth the powder to blow one to hell.


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