If you are a basically decent human being at any level, let alone a public official with some responsibility for at least pretending to care about the health and well being of our society, denouncing the vicious attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul by a hammer-wielding burglar in his own home would be a matter of course and easily taken care of a staffer or, at most, by taking 15 seconds out of your busy, busy day and writing a few words of condolence to the internet or a friendly reporter.

But GOP politicians, basically decent or not even close, can not risk calling down the wrath of the stochastic terrorist who is ultimately responsible for the attack, and who is likely their 2024 standard bearer… for to do so would be to admit your own culpability for allowing such a monster to completely obliterate any moral standing your political party ever possessed.

Rachel Maddow spoke to those folks last night:

Kinzinger is correct, of course, but he should really roundly renounce the GOP and switch parties.

Because they like having jobs?





I fear you are correct.



Makes one wonder.

For those of you who might have missed it in the comments, below is the link to Rachel’s full segment on last night’s show:

It is well worth the watch.

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  1. That last tweet asking what will be enough really got to me. I’ve been mentioning here and elsewhere lately how fucking SPOILED so much of this country has become. Yes, inflation sucks and having been forced into early retirement on disability and now being in my mid sixties with a fixed income substantially less than I’d thought would be the case it stings.

    But I also know, because I was taught in school and heard firsthand from so many (not just my own relatives) who lived through it what virtually all Americans (not just the ones in uniform and deployed around the world) endured during WWII. Just as the country was emerging from the Great Depression we found ourselves at war with Fascism that threatened to take over the entire world. At home, every citizen endured shortages due to rationing of all manner of items. When I say everyone I mean even infants – baby formula was among the things rationed! Not just gas, rubber, leather, wool and other materials, but foodstuffs too like coffee, sugar, flour, veggies, meat. Yet people in this country did their part. And more. People from adults to kids went around gathering up metal, rubber, glass and other things to be recycled. Despite financial hardships they scrimped and bought War Bonds too!

    Compare that to the America of the past three or four decades, and especially now. Suckers believe conservative bullshit about supply side tax cuts, and about how cutting ever more regulations will “free up” the “job creators” and the average person’s life will improve. I wonder how many women (and men in their lives too) feel after Dobbs? Their fucking tax cuts and b.s promises about no regulation and getting rid of unions was more important to them than SCOTUS. They will really freak when prescription birth control gets axed by SCOTUS! And now? Inflation is the big deal. The GOP is hammering it, and Americans are swallowing the bait hook, line and sinker!

    In WWII everyone was in it together. Even FDR’s sons, like other VIPs was in uniforms. Hell, one of FDR’s sons was a Marine Raider (a forerunner of spec ops) in the Pacific! The sons of powerful people died in that war. Few people were willing to try pulling strings back then. And, as I said people back here on home soil, even freaking CHILDREN pitched in however they could!

    Compare that to Bush’s war of choice in the middle east. Well under two percent of the U.S. has served in uniform or is the family member of someone who has. The burdens of a twenty year war were borne by a handful. Bush wouldn’t even allow a tax increase (and the GOP fought Obama doing so) to pay the enormous costs of that war. THAT is how fucking spoiled this country has become.

    If I were a person of faith I’d be praying that Murfster, Michael Moore and others are correct and that there will be some big and GOOD surprises next week. But I look at the weak, whiny, “let someone else deal with it” (i.e. having Ukraine deal with Russia on our and other’s behalf) we’ve become and I worry.

    • Can you even imagine the people in this country stepping up like the folks did during WWII? I can’t. Weak, whiny–hell that’s putting it mildly. The majority of this country are also stupid, have a sense of entitlement (and why I’ve NO idea), think their shit doesn’t stink, hell, I could go on for quite a while. I sure as hell hope there does not come a time when Americans…no, when the WORLD needs to come together and fight what needs to be immediately fought. Oh yeah, wait a minute. we are fucked.

      • If the free world somehow manages to get through the next ten years and push the forces of authoritarianism back into the shadows we will all owe Ukraine for doing the heavy lifting. Russia was a former superpower before all this began and Putin wanted it to have the same standing on the world stage as it did during the Cold War. China probably hoped Russia would succeed, as in the long run they were better positioned to wind up being at the top of a world in which there would be no Unites States and NATO (and it’s non-member allies) capable of holding authoritarianism in check. Now? Russia has been exposed for what it is – a gas station with nukes. But while the nukes are a big concern, Russia likely wasn’t able to properly maintain the lion’s share of them BEFORE the current war. They sure as hell won’t be able to afterwards. The big concern is the material in the warheads being removed and handed over on the black market to the last kind of people/countries who should get it. That’s where China and the U.S. need to assume a joint leadership role. That in my mind is the trade for Russia – the free world will help them recover from the war in exchange for them giving up their nukes. But that’a a longer conversation. My point is that it’s possible one day history will regard the Ukraine of today and its people the way history regards the WWII generation. Pretty good company. But sad that OUR generation won’t be part of that adulation. Simply going along with leaders who forced through assistance with arms and other aid isn’t close to being the same as what the WWII generation did.

        • I have to wonder if Putin is trading some of his nuke stockpile for those arms he’s getting from Iran. That was the only country besides China he had been to since the pandemic started and we all know the sad state of his military stockpiles following the disastrous losses in Ukraine.

  2. I have a laminated picture from the Mt. Airy paper of my grandparents with a story about how their 4 sons & oldest daughter’s husband were serving during WW2. I knew them all. Not one of them ever talked about the war. In my lifetime I’ve seen what I thought I’d never see…75 million of the American public, not only accepting lies, but the WORST actions by a president EVER IN OUR HISTORY. He’s killed over a million with covid, tried to destroy NATO, and stood WITH OUR ENEMIES OVER OUR OWN TROOPS. Then he organized & led a violent attempt TO OVERTHROW OUR GODDAMN DEMOCRACY!!!!! AND HES STILL FREE TO SPREAD HIS LIES. Either we stop them with the vote or we will be challenged to stop fascism in our very streets.

  3. I’m sitting here thinking I need to say something about this but what can you say. Are we one election away from a third world country. Under trump they already had a fence around the White House. We thought if we elect Joe Biden we will cure this. To some extent we did. But although Biden has brought Ann economy that we haven’t seen in fifty years you have companies price gouging Americans. The gas companies are deliberately inflating the prices because trump isn’t in office. And when Joe says we should tax them on their windfall profits some nerd says this would blow up the economy. My answer is to tell him to shut up and tell the gas companies we will come after your I’ll gotten gains unless you knock it off. Trump is a criminal. These companies liked him for one reason. He ended many regulations that were put there to try to save our dam planet. In another fifty years and probably less. You won’t be able to walk outside without a gas mask. We will be growing food in buildings because it’s too toxic outside. But big business will have made a profit. And they will have transitioned over to growing food instead of making gas because no one has a car anymore. You will only see cars in museums. Got your gas mask yet. Good luck in a toxic America 🇺🇸!


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