Wow. This is getting pretty far out on a limb, even for the likes of Gym Jim Jordan. It’s only November 2, 2022. America has not yet voted, except for mail-in ballots and some early votes cast. That said, it’s a big GOP win already in the fantasy world of Jordan. And also in that same fantasy world, Kevin McCarthy doesn’t exist, or maybe he’s just decided that he doesn’t want to be Speaker anymore, which is like Norma Desmond deciding she doesn’t really want to make a comeback. Ain’t gonna happen that way.

Jordan believes himself in the part so much that he’s already written to the DOJ and the FBI, letting them know what’s what, according to CNN:

In the letters sent days before the November midterms, sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, Jordan reiterates a wide range of requests Republicans have made over the last year. Jordan also calls on both officials to produce a long list of documents by November 16 and instructs them to preserve documents as well.

To Wray, Jordan said Republicans will seek to “examine the politicization and bias at the FBI, including into the 118th Congress if necessary.” From reupping a March request for a staff briefing about the status of FBI’s pipe bomb investigation to seeking to obtain all documents and communications relating to the search warrant that was authorized to search former President Donald Trump’s residence, Jordan’s letter summarizes all requests committee Republicans have made to the agency.

To the Department of Justice, Jordan writes, “committee Republicans have sent letters to Departmental components requesting documents and information on several issues, including but not limited to the Department’s targeting of journalists with Project Veritas, the shuttering of the Department’s China Initiative, the Department’s one-sided enforcement of the FACE Act, and the Department’s unprecedented raid on President Trump’s residence.”

Similar to the warning issued to FBI, Jordan added, “committee Republicans intend to continue to examine these matters, including into the 118th Congress if necessary.”

As Maya Angelou said, “When somebody tells you who they are, believe them.” This is who the GOP of 2022 is. All they stand for is the politics of grievance and revenge. They have nothing positive to bring to the table, being bereft of any platform or policies, but they will happily perform political theater and keep Washington a circus, given the chance to do so. That much they have made clear.

Frankly, I can’t see a situation where Jordon is going to prevail over McCarthy as Speaker unless things are even more bat guano than we know. And they may well be. They may well be.

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  1. You had it spelt right first time. Gym, after his only real accomplishment, covering up sexual assaults in his gymnasium. He’s not done anything else of any note in his life.

  2. If The GOP tells you who they are, that is refreshing. The Democrats tell you things that aren’t true, and do the opposite of what they tell you to your face.

    • Well, when the GOP are telling you they’re the scorpion, it’s NOT a good thing–especially when you’re the frog.

      And I seriously believe you have that second sentence leading off with the wrong political party. When EXACTLY has the GOP *ever* told you anything remotely true and have *ever* done anything that was NOT the opposite of what they tell you to your face? See, the sin of omission is NOT cover for anything–they tell you “tax cuts for all” but they DON’T tell you, “huge tax cuts for the wealthy, and a penny or two a week for you” (which is how things turn out). You remember that big tax cut the GOP passed through in Trump’s first year? Well, do you also remember that it EXPIRES for the vast majority of taxpayers in 2025 but was intended to be PERMANENT for the wealthy and big business? I’m guessing you don’t because you probably weren’t told that from YOUR “news” sources.

  3. Oh boy. I see a repeat of Benghazi and HER EMAILS F.F.S. Still, it keeps him and a ‘pube congress from doing at actual work and that is not necessarily a bad thing. When they DO something in congress it fucks up the country beyond belief. Quite frankly I’d rather these assholes do investigations that go absolutely nowhere rather than what they do when do their actual jobs of legislating. Our nation can not take much more of their legislating.

    • His specific interest in the investigation concernng the pipe bomber is very interesting. It suggests to me he knows who it was and wants to know how much the DOJ has figured out. From his remarks, he’s covering for MTG.

  4. Fuck that rapist enabler. The day you become speaker is the day I catch myself cruising hardware stores shopping for tools. It will be clear the fascists have taken democracy hostage. As Sean Connery’s dying words in The Untouchables echo off the wall…what are you prepared to do?

  5. David. Next time keep your ignorance in your pocket so people won’t see what a tool you are. Homeschooling did you no good. Or was it a ‘christian’ school? Either way you would fit right in with the taliban.

    • I’ve visited Ohio multiple times in my life but for short periods of time. Also, I’ve never had a close friend, or even a casual one that’s from there or lived there for any length of time. Having said that, and having worked in social services and specifically with special populations (children, and later Developmentally Disabled Adults) I’m quite familiar with both the term and the concept (including practice of) “Mandated Reporter.” It extends to teachers and coaches too. I suppose it gets murkier when it comes to college aged charges a teacher or coach oversees. Regardless, the statue of limitations has expired on any criminal liability Jordan might have had for NOT reporting what wrestlers (and I gather athletes from other sports) told him about that fucking doctor back at Ohio State. Jordan himself sure as hell believed what he’d been told as he was known to have made it clear that doc would get fucked up by him if he (the doc) tried any groping or even shower gazing with HIM! Jordan failed the athletes under his charge. He had a duty, if not a legal responsibility to protect them and he fucking looked the other way. I had quite a few coaches over my time in h.s. and college sports, some better than others both as coaches and as people. A couple were flat-out assholes in fact but from my start in Little League at five years old right through JUCO basketball I am certain that not one single coach I had would have looked the other way like Jordan did. AFTER dishing out a major ass whupping any coach I had would have hauled the offender to the police personally! I’m pretty sure most out there could say the same about the coaches they had. Sadly, there HAS been abuse and it has been covered up. But I still maintain most coaches would have stepped in.

      Jordan didn’t. And does everything in his considerable power to keep all that stuff out of the news. I think it’s partly why he spends so much energy being a “bomb thrower” – to give the media some new shiny object to obsess over and distract them from examining his shameful past.

  6. No Democrat should respond to any subpoena from a Republican. They should make the case in court that the Republicans are insurrectionist and do not legitimately hold their office. File the suite in DC and appeal it all the way up to the SC. If they win, the Federal marshals should go onto the House floor and arrest them for impersonating a federal official.


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