Is there anyone who didn't see this coming? Sure, Trump has repeatedly complained (whined is more accurate) that he's being picked on, "persecuted" and more to the point here "selectively prosecuted" for taking, then refusing to hand back highly...
It was troubling that Judge Aileen "Loose" Cannon even held a hearing on Trump's motion to dismiss his Florida indictment. I felt concerns she'd do so were overblown for reasons I'll discuss in a bit. What matters in the...
National Security expert and former editor-at-large of Foreign Policy Magazine David Rothkoph has taken to the pages of The Daily Beast to urge the nation’s press to not use the shorthand phrase “documents case”when reporting on drumpf’s indictments that...
It might have been a good idea for Donald Trump to have studied the occasional civics class or read a book about government. He might have gotten the concept that a United States president is the steward of the...
Another legal masterpiece by Donald Trump's Lawyers, the same team of transitory, revolving door characters that continue to represent him as he blunders through the superior and appellate court system, on his way to the highest court in the...
Curiouser and curiouser. It appears that Donald Trump's best defense attorney right now is Aileen Cannon. Here's the lede from the Raw Story article on this matter, you tell me if it strikes you as odd. "U.S. District Court...
Amid some recent and troubling "what the hell?" rulings favoring Trump or denigrating Jack Smith and his team (or both) there seemed to be a bright spot last week. Judge Aileen "Loose" Cannon stuck with her original trial date....
Another step downward in the normalcy of the GOP and this election. The only question that everybody from normal people to psychologists to political scientists are asking is, "How weird is this going to get?" And nobody knows the...
Trump's favorite pet judge isn't just tanking the National Security (it's way more than a "documents" case!) case against Trump down in Florida. It's worse than that. In a recent ruling if one didn't look past the headline it seemed...
We know who loves the poorly educated, because he has told us so, and we know why he feels that way. Two reasons: Donald Trump loves the poorly educated because he is one. Oh, yes, he attended various schools....



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead