Something rare happened when President Joe Biden joined shock jock Howard Stern for a live interview Friday that was at turns poignant, funny, and uplifting. Stern, of course, is known for being bluntly rude and doesn’t hold back in asking questions that can be quite confrontational. But in this instance, he seemed happy to see the president and his questions were respectful.

Stern, has been rebranding himself. Somewhat. He can still act disturbingly misogynistic, but in this instance, Stern who once supported former President Donald, is now one of his biggest detractors.

The live chat didn’t introduce anything groundbreaking, except when Biden announced that he’s “happy to debate” former President Donald Trump. But according to Mediaite, this should provide valuable lessons for the Biden campaign.

While the White House announced the interview just before it aired, it caught many folks by surprise because it wasn’t listed on the president’s public schedule. Biden spent Thursday night in New York City after attending a fundraiser hosted by actor Michael Douglas in Westchester County, The Hill reports.

The convo between Biden and Stern, which happened at the SiriusXM studio where the incendiary talk show host holds forth lasted roughly an hour. We did have to remember that Stern at one time said unvaccinated people shouldn’t have access to hospitals and should instead “go home and die.” Because he’s ornery like that.

This was a gutsy move on Biden’s part because he probably wasn’t sure what Stern would ask him, but the interview turned into a thoughtful discussion where Biden reminisced about his childhood and early days in politics, his grief of losing his first wife and infant daughter in a car accident and then losing his son Beau to cancer. And yes, of course, the two men talked over the upcoming November election.

But here’s the thing: Biden seemed real. Grief is something that is very real to him and Biden recalled feeling despair when his first wife, Neilia, and Naomi, his 13-month-old daughter died so tragically. Even though he’s a teetotaler, thoughts of drinking entered his mind.

“i used to sit there and just think, ‘i’m going to take out a bottle of scotch,” biden said. “i’m going to just drink it and get drunk.”

“i just thought about it; you don’t need to be crazy to commit su*cide. if you’ve been to the top of the mountain, you think it’s never going to be there again,” he added. “i thought, ‘let me just go to the delaware memorial [bridge] and jump.”

Anyone who has been through something this devastating almost certainly understands this feeling. Knowing that you’ll never see your loved ones again unless there really is some kind of afterlife can be the most desolate feeling in the world.

Gee, I wonder how Donald Trump would feel if something like this happened to Melania and young Barron? Does this man ever feel anything other than rage?

The interview was lighthearted at turns.

“mr. president — look at me, sitting with the president,” stern said near the end of the interview.

“look at me, sitting with howard stern,” Biden replied.

At one point Stern mentioned he wasn’t sure if Biden was going to debate Trump, but Biden immediately said he was willing to do so.

“i am, somewhere. i don’t know when. i’m happy to debate him,” the president said.

Stern kept the interview on the up and up didn’t ask a lot of hard questions, and definitely steered clear of tougher issues like the Israel-Hamas war and the fact that we’re still dealing with inflation. Some commentators criticized the interview as “softball” which may not be wrong, but at this point, we have to look at Biden’s opponent, who is this country’s waking nightmare.

A Donald Trump presidency would mean another four years of hate-mongering, racism, fascism, and pretty much any other -ism one can think about. Biden is handling things. His administration went to work after Roe v. Wade was overturned and the first over-the-counter birth control pill will hit pharmacies in 2024, Politico reports. His administration has also expanded gun control, spurred by the deadly school shooting in Uvalde, signing the first significant gun safety law in 30 years. Biden has also established the Office of Gun Violence Prevention.

Ask yourself if Trump would do any of these things.

We may not always agree with what he’s doing but he’s far more capable than Trump and if Trump wins in 2024 we’ll be handing the reigns back to a babbling madman. So I’m glad Stern put aside some of the contentious aspects of his personality and sat down with Biden to have a chat.

Lots of folks on X were happy to see this interview.

Here’s a clip of the interview below.

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    • Once again, I’m disappointed I can only post 1 “Thumbs Up” for an article…..

  1. I’m a woman who has been an unashamed fan of Howard Stern for 30 years! Biden feels free these days to have some fun, let the twinkle in his eye shine, keep his tongue in his cheek! Going on Stern’s show demonstrates his decades of political savvy. Having a lively discussion with “The King of All Media” is a dramatic contrast from the kinds of interviews Trump has with anyone. No rage, no screaming, full sentences, thoughtful responses…how Joe Cool can you get? 😎 I believe the debate response is part of that. Under the right circumstances, being Joe Cool while a loser devolves next to him would be smart and the public needs to watch that happen! 😎✊

  2. All anyone else needs to.know about Biden v. that Biden can tell a joke and take one. Trump cannot do.either.
    Biden still.mourns his first wife and daughter. Trump views women as interchangeable and confused E. Jean Carroll.for Marla Maples.
    Biden made it through law school, with Cs. Trump.made it through college because Fred pair someone to.take his tests and write his papers.


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