This ad pulls no punches. And the timing of it is impeccable, because just this morning the Mango Moron went into his dimly lit closet production studio and cut an ad about abortion, which is infuriating the right wing. Allies close to him are saying that he isn’t doing enough to take a stance. Even an aide to Rand Paul savaged Trump’s statement. Bravo, Donald. You’re managing to splinter your base even while Joe takes this terrific shot at you.

Here is what infuriated Republicans this morning. Remember, abortion is murder unless a Republican needs to win an election and then it has many variations.

Trump is not batting 1,000 today. Not on this topic, in any event. Uncle Joe, however, just hit one out of the ballpark. And then look at who dragged in to criticize Trump.

This is rich. It’s only April 8 and so far the GOP candidate has managed to piss off the rest of the GOP on one of its biggest issues. This is going to go on all day, the right-wing blow back to Trump’s latest gaffe.

Trump had previously suggested he could support a 15-week federal ban with exceptions in the cases of incest, rape and when the life of the mother is in danger. However, his ultimate decision to punt the politically fraught issue to the states and not back a national ban was swiftly denounced by a major anti-abortion rights organization, which said his position did not go far enough.

In Monday’s video, Trump said he was “proudly the person responsible” for the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, which he said took the issue “out of the federal hands and brought it into the hearts, minds, and vote of the people in each state.”

The former president did not indicate the number of weeks during a pregnancy at which he thought it would be appropriate to ban abortion but reiterated his support for certain exceptions. He previously publicly derided six-week state abortion bans as “terrible” and acknowledged that the debate over the procedure has plagued Republicans at the ballot box since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision eliminated federal abortion protections.

Trump told reporters last week that he would be making a “statement” on abortion when pressed about Florida’s six-week abortion ban, which is set to become law after a recent state Supreme Court ruling.

Trump’s video Monday garnered immediate backlash from leading anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, which set a 15-week national ban as its standard for Republican candidates in the presidential primary.

“We are deeply disappointed in President Trump’s position. Unborn children and their mothers deserve national protections and national advocacy from the brutality of the abortion industry. The Dobbs decision clearly allows both states and Congress to act,” the group’s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, said.

Former Vice President Mike Pence called his onetime boss’s announcement a “retreat on the Right to Life” and a “slap in the face to the millions of pro-life Americans who voted for him in 2016 and 2020.”

“However much our Republican nominee or other candidates seek to marginalize the cause of life, I know pro-life Americans will never relent until we see the sanctity of life restored to the center of American law in every state in this country,” Pence, who dropped out of the GOP presidential race in October, said on social media.

I fully expect Pence to be more vocal on this. I think that in the back of his mind Pence has an idea that eventually there will be a post-Trump GOP. I agree with that. Where I think Pence is off the walls is that he thinks he will have a part in the leadership of said party. I don’t think so. Whatever post-Trump looks like, it is not going to be the Party Of Pence. That one you can take to the bank.


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  1. How quickly the American separatists have forgotten how it feels to have State religion shoved down your throat so hard it forces you to declare your independance.



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