I’m sure you’re familiar with the major political Party logos. The Donkey for Democrats and the Elephant for Republicans. Both date back to the 1800s. Longtime conservative commentator and columnist Cal Thomas thinks it’s time his Party adopts a new logo. I don’t disagree with the notion the GOP needs a new logo, but I do disagree with his suggested choice.

In a recent piece Thomas expresses his belief it’s time for a change. That the old elephant no longer reflects the character of the GOP. Thomas starts off by quoting an infamous line from the 2016 GOP primary debates where Jeb Bush said: “Donald, you’re not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. That’s not going to happen.”  Well, THAT turned out to be spectacularly and worse, tragically wrong. With insult after insult, any one of which in the past would have doomed any other Presidential candidate Trump laid waste to Bush and the rest of the field and got the nomination. He’s never stopped. In fact, Trump has ridden this to control of the Republican Party and changed political discourse and news coverage of politics seemingly forever. Well, at least for a generation.

It’s Trump’s GOP now and as I write this Trump is headed back to a New York City courtroom in a civil matter. He already lost a civil trial for insulting, defaming a writer in that city and was legally branded a rapist (well guilty of sexual assault at least due to a technicality in the state’s law) to the tune of five million bucks. And he turned right around and insulted, defamed her again!  If Trump can’t help himself when it’s costing him millions of dollars he sure as hell can’t when it comes to politics and political foes. Or even people supporting him who he feels aren’t offering up total worship of and loyalty towards him.

For Trump, insults are powerful currency and his takeover of the GOP has spawned a sea change in the Party. Countless lessor Republicans have tried to be like Trump, and in some cases made a point (and outright proudly said so) of being “Trumpier than Trump!” When you consider all that, Thomas’ suggest of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog as the new GOP logo. In his column I linked to Thomas cites some of Triumph’s memorable lines:

 Consider some of the puppet’s best insult lines as you imagine them being directed at a Republican presidential candidate. To an overweight man, Triumph said: “Are you a separatist? … Maybe you should try separating yourself from donuts first.”

Addressing a French person who spoke no English, Triumph said: “Pardon me, I only know your basic French expressions like ‘I surrender.’”

Speaking to singer Bon Jovi, Triumph said: “So you’re acting now, you’re in a vampire movie, yes? That’s good. Finally, a role that requires you to suck.”

It’s not like being a political figure would be new for “Triumph” as he first came on the scene back in 2004 (to John Kerry’s great discomfort on a late-night talk show) and has popped up in every campaign since. Hell, it only takes dropping a few letters to change “Triumph” to “Trump.” Thomas does note an issue however in that the character, the talking dog IS after all comic – and that Trump not only isn’t funny but HATES being the subject of a joke:

 The difference between these comedic taunts, as well as those by the late comics Don Rickles and Rodney Dangerfield and the political insults, is that with the comedians people were usually in on the joke. While sometimes sounding caustic, the comical barbs are meant to produce laughter. Even the targets of the jokes often laughed. That’s different from repeatedly calling your political rival a liar.

Still, Thomas has a point in that insults (the more vicious the better as far as Trump and his MAGAs are concerned) is a major tool in Trump’s toolbox. Well, at least if they’re directed at anyone but him. The point though is the GOP has become the Trump Party, so as goes Trump, so goes the rest of the GOP. However it’s my contention if the GOP is going to use a different animal for a new logo that represents what the Party has become a comic dog who’s schtick is tossing insults is the wrong choice. Obviously, what I think represents the GOP Trump has wrought is the animal in the title picture. A Baboon.

Think about it. A primate lower than human beings on the evolutionary ladder. One with an ugly face, and fangs. Brutish at times. And with an unmistakable big red ass that shows anytime a baboon isn’t facing you head-on. A big, giant puffy read ass! I top out at stick-figures but it wouldn’t take much effort for an artists who does drawings or paintings to create a new GOP logo using a baboon.

And it sure as hell would represent the GOP that we now see.

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    • For Cthulhu’s sake, stop insulting cockroaches!

      The new symbol should be a mushroom. After all, they thrive in dark places and do best when there’s plenty of manure (to avoid being too vulgar) around them.

      • You do not understand my pathological fear of the damned things. No idea why I have it but the sight of one can send me around the bend.

        The insult dog is quite a big more clever than former guy ever thought about being. Former guy spews crap and simple and/or nonsensical crap at that.

  1. I cannot for the life of me understand how an animal as amazing as an elephant got you served by the GOP. Again everything they do is ask backwards. Elephants are led by a matriarch, not a patriarch. They are incredibly, compassionate, sensitive and supportive of their entire group. The farthest thing from the Grifting Old Pissants.

    • I agree completely… I have long felt insulted for elephants to be associated with the GOP. They are honest & dignified with a great sense of justice & unity. They are intelligent, sensitive, compassionate & take care of each other. In fact, they could be described as WOKE, which could be a good way of convincing the GOP to release the noble elephant as their mascot. They seem to hate anyone or thing associated with that description of WOKE.

      The suggestion of making the Baboon the new GOP mascot sounds perfect to me, I couldn’t think of a better animal to represent this party of Baboonish behavior. Though I’m afraid Jane Goodall might be offended, her being a great lover of all primates. But she has to admit that DON THE CON’s behavior often resembles that of a Baboon. Let’s face it, the GOP were already experiencing a REGRESSION in wanting to take the country backward in societal progress, etc. With DON THE CON leading the party, there has been an even bigger & faster Devolution of the party, coming very near to a bunch of Neanderthals or Cromagnon.

    • I was thinking he’s too cute for the GOP. In the past, I’ve considered the Monkeys who hear, see & speak no evil as the new GOP mascot (unfortunately another insult to primates).
      But appropriate as the GOP have become more prone to not hearing truth, not seeing facts, & refusing to speak out about the failures of their candidates & policies when those failures are more than evident.

  2. How about Mr. Hanky the talking poo from Southpark…he leaves a shitstain on everything he touches. He also got run out of town. Hiddee Ho!!!

  3. Baboons work for me, but dung beetles might be even better. Maybe your talented graphics folks could come up with a graphic of one of these critters in a red hat rolling a montage of you-know-who wrapped around a suitable piece of you-know-what. Campaign slogan: “Let’s Roll!”



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