This is going to blow the doors off if/when it becomes public with accreditation. The New York Times is reporting that at the height of the insurrection, when protesters were chanting Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence, Trump agreed with them.

The NYT is reporting that according to the testimony of two separate witnesses to the committee, then Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was in the executive dining room with Trump while he watched the television coverage of the riot. Trump turned to complain that Pence’s security detail was whisking him away from the Capitol building to safety. I don’t get it, Trump reportedly said, Why? Meadows then left the executive dining room and returned to his office, where he told the witnesses what Trump had said.

If this is true, then it is devastating. It says that in the middle of the bloody insurrection, while rioters were screaming Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!, Trump was more than happy to see Pence dragged from the Capitol by his heels, kicked and punched, and then strung up from the homemade gallows, once it became clear that Pence wouldn’t play ball.

This is why I keep saying to clear the decks, and make sure you’re in front of your television for every broadcast January 6th public hearing. The New York Times is quoting direct secondhand testimony from two witnesses in front of the J6 committee. It would of course require corroborating testimony from Meadows to confirm it, which isn’t likely.

But rest assured, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what the J6 committee has on tap. They have interviewed more than 1000 witnesses, and have more evidence than Carter has little pills. If the J6 committee was willing to let this leak, and within two weeks of the first televised public hearing, then you can bet that they can back it up. Don’t touch that dial!


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  1. Typical Trump. He demands 110%loyalty from.his minions, while giving none in return.. Pence was no.longer useful. Fat Donnie actually agreed with the mob.”Maybe they he should be hung.”
    Donnie Donuts,,when you execute a person by hanging,,the correct word is “hanged” as in “hanged by the neck until.dead.”
    What an embarrassment this man was,and is.


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