The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the rotten tree, to quote Jay Inslee, with regard to this incident. Donald Trump Jr. saw the following tweet on June 27.

Kamala Harris is “not” an American Black. She is half Indian and half Jamaican.

I’m so sick of people robbing American Blacks (like myself) of our history. It’s disgusting. Now using it for Debate Time at #DemDebate2?…

Trump Jr. tweeted, “Is this true? Wow.” Then he deleted the tweet.

Joe Biden called it an attack on Harris’ citizenship and racial identity, similar to what was used on Obama.

So, Junior planted the seed. And you can be sure that there are plenty of MAGAts who will water it and give it plenty of sun. This is exactly the kind of poisonous vine that they love to nurture. Xenophobia, coupled with racism and conspiracy theory. What a hybrid.

Jay Inslee nailed it on the head. He not only made the above-noted comment about the rotten apple falling not far from the tree, he also paraphrased the famous line from the McCarthy era, “Have you no decency, sirs?” No, they have not. And with respect to the Trumps, the word, “sir” is spelled “cur.”

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  1. Glad to see the pushback from most of the other Democratic candidates, defending Kamala, save Bernie Sanders who called out Donnie Jr but could not bring himself to defend an opponent.

    • i admired Inslee’s take on this. He didn’t pull any punches. This is low life and classless and that’s how he called it. Good for him.

      • It’s BS, a kind of which we’ve seen before and didn’t enjoy the first time. Bernie BETTER learn how to be more than a bomb thrower if he doesn’t want to be an also-ran by March. As with Trump, his cult ain’t THAT big.

  2. Dear Ghu, did he miss the entire section in US history about the “Triangle Trade” and how slavery was nearly universal in the Caribbean islands? Or does he think that blacks were always there?

  3. The question is what the originators of this attack think they’re going to accomplish. (Not to be CT or anything, but nonsense racial division written by someone of one group using the language of the other side? Sounds like a Russian bot strategy, or that of their American allies.)

    I mean…if Sen Harris continues to build support and becomes the nominee, I’d imagine that this sort of outright racism is going to solidify black support for her. I can’t see white voters really responding to this. Maybe it intends to rile up the racist base on the right?

    It just seems silly and ineffectual as a political attack. But…I mean…racists aren’t known for their highly intelligent strategies.

  4. The righties are saying that since her mother was Asian-Indian-American and her father was Jamaican-American therefore, she is not African-American.

    As she was born in Oakland California I have no idea what difference it makes.

  5. Christ, THIS again?! At this point, I expect any black politician who wants something like the presidency is going to get this charge thrown at them. After all, per this self-styled “master race”, every native-born African American would know their place. Assholes!


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