This happened yesterday on Truth Social and there was a universal gasp on social media. Donald Trump posted this picture with the words, “In an effort to level the playing field, Barron Trump will debate Joe Biden,” thereby shattering one of the longest standing norms in politics. The rules of the game are “leave the kids out.” If you’re over 18, you’re fair game. But under 18, the dictates of decency are that blameless children are left out of their parents’ affairs.

Now, in reality, that doesn’t take place. Ask Sasha, Malia, or Chelsea. Chelsea, in particular, was vilified by Rush Limbaugh back in the day and it was so brutal. Chelsea was not a gorgeous teeny bopper. A lot of us weren’t. I can totally relate, because I’m one of those ugly duckling characters myself. I was a dog at 12. By age 17 things had improved and at 19, something bloomed and I was a hot number. I can’t tell you how strange it was when guys who wouldn’t have spit on me at age 14 were hitting on me when I was 19, but there you have it.

In any event, Chelsea Clinton was awkward and had braces, all of that, but she grew up to be a woman of some sophistication and style. But I remember Limbaugh going on about how the Clintons had a cat and Chelsea was “the White House dog.” And this was when he was going through his blood cleansing therapy to get all the Vicodin out of his system. Remember that little episode? But no, nothing sordid about that, or about calling a 13-year-old girl a dog on nationally syndicated radio.

Back to Trump’s latest faux pas, he apparently believes that saying that his 17-year-old son should debate Joe Biden is intimidating somehow — the inference being that even a kid can outwit old fool Biden, but all the comment does is 1) make Trump look like the fool and 2) show that he’s scared to debate Biden. Well he should be. Joe wiped the floor with him last time and with his track record in office, Joe will not only wipe the floor, he’ll use what’s left of Trump’s hair to polish all the door knobs.

The key difference here is that this isn’t the press going after Barron, this is his own father. Therein lies the rub. Right-wing media is not touching this with a 10-foot pole.

It may be just a rumor about Barron being on the Asperger’s spectrum, which would mean everything from he is a bit distant and somewhat tone deaf socially, to almost being an automaton. Truth be known, maybe Trump’s problems stem from Asperger’s syndrome. I don’t know if anybody has ever delved into that, but it would go a long way towards explaining how in another world he is.

Also, if you click the link to Showbiz411, you’ll read an interesting thought. It’s said in that story that “nobody has heard Barron speak.” It goes on to say that he has trouble with English because he “lives on the same floor in Trump Tower with his Slovenian grandparents.” I don’t know if I buy that. I’ve known too many people who have grown up speaking two languages in a house and generally they’re fluent in both.

What I think Joe Biden should do, and I’m serious about this, is put out a meme saying that “Donald Trump should debate Commander.”

Yes, I know, it’s unfair to Trump because clearly Commander is the more intelligent being, you only need look at his eyes to know that. But what the hey, turnabout is fair play, right?

Who has the skills set here? Durrati, I think you’re elected. Take this picture, or any picture you like of Commander Biden and say, “Joe Biden is leveling the playing field. He’s going to have Commander debate Donald Trump.”

Let’s get this rolling on social media, shall we?


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  1. Trump De Oxymoron: rhetorically, he’s a pure crossbred unintelligent howling mutt, nothing more than an illogical self-propagating contradiction.

    • I think it’s a great idea. I think Joe fighting back this way might be comical as well. There is truth to that old saying, “fight fire with fire.”

  2. “It may be just a rumor about Barron being on the Asperger’s spectrum, which would mean everything from he is a bit distant and somewhat tone deaf socially, to almost being an automaton.”

    Remember the vitriol–including from more than a few on “our” side–aimed at Rosie O’Donnell when she alluded to that rumor? She wasn’t trying to come off as mean or spiteful but her phrasing wasn’t the most tactful and it was fairly easy to misinterpret the comment.

    Rosie ended up apologizing (and not a fake apology) for not intending to “attack” Barron but rather to draw attention to the possibility that he might be on the spectrum as an explanation for why he seemed somewhat uncomfortable and distant in so many family photo ops. It still didn’t really appease the MAGAts or most of the GOPers in general who saw O’Donnell’s “mean attack” on Barron as an outgrowth of her absolute loathing of Donald Trump. But, I do wonder how many Trump loyalists in the MAGAt community or among his Congressional enablers are going to change their opinions of Donald following this little deal? Or, more likely, are they going to call up Donald with “That’ll show Biden!” or “That’s a great idea–Barron’ll wipe the floor with Biden” type of messages?

  3. I think Trump should debate the squeeking rubber chicken my dog is barking at right now. Of course the toy looks a lot like Trump and thus might confuse the chicken. Could Donnie John be its daddy?

  4. Nah. Dogs are great judges of character and entertaining as it would be to watch Commander do the doggie version of “f**kit – time to take a bit out of this hoomin’s a$$” I have a better idea. Let’s have a debate between Hunter Biden and Don Jr.! In one corner you have a well-educated and accomplished lawyer and the other? Let’s just say Don Jr. would either be so jacked up he’d babble incoherently or zonked out on Ludes to the point of drooling. Let the public see which one is managing addiction better. (It sure as hell won’t be Junior!)

  5. I agree kids should be left out. I’m not going to speculate anything about Barron. He doesn’t deserve it.
    I must say though that some of us genx were in love with Amy Carter. The people in this band were very popular in Austin Texas starting in the late 1980’s til now. She was an adult when this song was written.

  6. Well, at least if Barron fills in for his father, his father would come off as sounding a bit more intelligent because as things stand former guy would have trouble debating President Biden’s dog.

    Don’t know why former guy would shoot himself in the foot this way. Reckon he likes looking like an idiot. He must as much as he does it. Of course the real question is why his base supports such an idiot.


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