Donald Trump made a ginormous deal out of not being able to attend his mother-in-law’s funeral, continually harassing Judge Lewis Kaplan, who is presiding over the defamation case of E. Jean Carroll, whom Trump was found to have sexually assaulted. Trump was enraged because he claimed he would have to miss the funeral of Amalija Knavs, Melania Trump’s mother. He was so angry, in fact, that at one point he called Kaplan an “animal.”

All of this, it turns out was for nothing, as he attended the funeral and he was so bereaved that he launched a 26-post rampage attacking Carroll as the trial concerning Carroll’s defamation claims against him concluded its third day, according to MeidasTouch.

We already know this trash heap of a human being has been found to have sexually abused and raped Carroll by court jurors during the first defamation trial, and as MeidasTouch reports he has already been ruled liable for defamation during the ongoing trial. Now all that’s left is for the court to determine the damages Trump will be forced to pay. Last year a jury ordered the former president to pay $5 million to Carroll, and it’s likely the damages in this case will be higher.

I mean really, how stupid is this man? And even though he claimed he was mourning his mother-in-law he found enough time to fire off a fusillade of attacks on Carroll, whom he’s already victimized enough, posting a series of screenshots of Carroll’s old posts that appeared on her Facebook and Twitter accounts, where she discussed sex.

Trump is trying to trash her reputation, which is typical for him, but a dumb idea because she became well-known for her “Ask E. Jean” love and sex advice column, which ran in Elle Magazine from 1993 until 2019. But he’s pulling out all the stops to weaponize her posts about sex in an attempt to cause her more shame and humiliate her, and according to MeidasTouch, “in essence say that she deserved what happened.”

Trump’s attorney Alina Habba did something equally offensive earlier this week in court by suggesting that Carroll shouldn’t receive damages because, Habba says, Carroll’s reputation was helped after he raped her and defamed her because it brought her more fame.

On Wednesday, Donald Trump, who is purportedly “bereaved” found enough time to hold a press conference where he further defamed E. Jean Carroll, said the trial was a hoax and that he is actually the victim and deserves monetary damages.

Then he hopped on Truth Social to further attack her, posting a batch of screenshots of old posts from her Facebook and Twitter Page where she talked about sex. Because Trump is nothing if not a disgusting creep.

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His behavior toward Carroll is cruel and I frankly don’t understand why he’s keeping this up because he’s very likely to hemorrhage more money doing this.

“donald trump’s behavior and constant lashing out at carroll is textbook behavior of a sexual abuser and there is no doubt the judge and carroll’s lawyers are paying attention to his behavior outside the courtroom. in fact, today in court, carroll’s attorneys played for the jury donald trump’s wednesday tirade,” MeidasTouch reported.

He even took time out of his busy schedule of not grieving for his mother-in-law to appear on Hannity to plead the cause of granting immunity to the President of the United States, “and I’m not talking about myself, I’m talking about any president has to have immunity—you take away immunity from the president—it’s so important, you will have, you will have a president that’s not going able to do anything.”

Sure is nice to know that for a man who kvetched repeatedly in court about not being able to be there for Melania for her mom’s funeral, he found time in his busy schedule of defaming a writer by firing a huge batch of posts aimed directly at her on his social media platform, defamed her again in a press conference and managed to give a big speech in New Hampshire while talking to Sean Hannity.

And spent a few minutes at his mother-in-law’s funeral. What a guy.

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  1. There’s shooting yourself in the foot and then there’s doing it with a machine gun.

    I wonder how much he’ll be worth in financial terms once he realises that his mouth is costing him millions?

    • By his theory of total.immunity, Biden can have a drone bomb Man-go-Lardo and unless he is impeached by the house and convicted by the Senate, he cannot be tried for murder. It is the same as saying,”I double dog daddy’s to come after me.” Blessedly for us,Biden is a decent man who is happy being a president who governs within constitutional limits, not a,dictator who can remove anyone who disagrees with him. If Joe didn’t have a strong sense of morality and didn’t abide by the constitution, the number of “disappeared” and the size of the mass grave in some remote spot in the desert visited only by snakes, vermin and cacti would be ginormous.

  2. Hey Joe…Trump’s cult is fine with total immunity for any act you take…so go ahead and feed this bloated bag of pus to the fishes…declare yourself dictator for life…name your successor Kamala next in line when you go…take ALL the republican oligarchs money to assist the hungry and homeless, DEPORT all the congress members who voted for the insurrection, expunge all political prisoners records arrested for cannabis, give Ukraine WHATEVER it takes to defeat putin…put solar panels on every government building in America, fire all the Supreme Court members from the federalist society…open the border to hardworking people from around the world while sending the Maga crowd somewhere in exile…legalize a woman’s right to her OWN GODDAMN BODY…approve reparations for black folks…give Native Americans sovereignty over their sacred lands…just a start…isn’t it grand!!!! DO IT JOE!

    • Well said, Scott! It’s like a Christmas Wish List for a good portion of America (especially deporting all the MAGAts). Start your own country, suckers, and make Trump your dictator! Let’s end this BS!

      • They tried getting their own country back in 1860. Remember how that worked out?
        They get a buck fifty for every dollar they pay in taxes. They depend on federal welfars. They complain about people “sucking on Big Godvs teat,” but they are elbowing everyone else to repair their roads and keep.hospitals and schools running.
        If they seceded it would become a third world a decade.nThe schools are so.bad that Toyota couldn’t find people able to read the manuals to work the assembly line. They were also appalled by healthcare and insurance costs. Canada got the plant instead.


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