It’s always a wonder to me that the most insightful jabs at Donald Trump come from Republicans. Somehow they have a gift for roasting him that even the most dedicated Democrats don’t quite seem to master in the same way. The truth of the matter is that right now and for some time, there have been two parties and no, it’s not Republicans and Democrats. It’s not MAGAs and Libs. It’s Americans v. Trump.

The GOP frontrunner thinks he’s highly amusing. And so he keeps redoing the same schtick over and over again. It wasn’t funny the first time and it didn’t get any better with endless renditions from rally after rally. Thanksgiving is coming up soon and we can only guess that this time next year the GOP will not be giving thanks that it followed this clown. Here’s Trump Ad Nauseum to the music of Strauss.

That is a pretty sobering thought. And so is this one.

And like the broken clock, even Junior can be right twice a day.

Truth Social is silent as the tomb about the trouncing that the GOP took in the country tonight. There is one comment about congratulating the governor of Mississippi and that’s it. The rest is Trump complaining about the Trump Organization fraud trial and the fact that Ivanka has to testify.

That’s what’s on his mind tonight, he could not care less about the party’s losses. Say what you will about Trump, he’s consistent. It’s all me, me and when he’s not thinking about that, he’s thinking of myself and I.

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  1. Notice the laugh track doesn’t go along with the people standing behind dfg. They are not laughing, or just one or two might be. No one else cares. They’ve seen it all before. It’s a laugh track. We all knew his attendees at his rallies are paid participants, so the lack of any laughter just means they are not being paid enough. Oh course, you couldn’t pay be enough to be there in the first place, let alone to laught at that miserable pile of orange excrement.

    • I actually don’t think they’re ALL paid participants. I think those morons like him b/c they are just as sleazy as he is. These people play the ‘everyone’s mean to me’ card, constantly whining, bitching, refusing to take personal responsibility and are tax cheats, just like him. They cry about not being able to have their employees get paid in pennys so they can keep every cent in profit for themselves, refuse to provide ANY benefits, bitch that ‘small business’ would collapse if the minimum wage were increased or if they had to provide paid days off. Just like GOP claims national health doesn’t work, small business seems to survive all across Europe despite having to pay a wage AND paid days off. What I do think is happening is that tantrum has staff members planted to spur cheering and chants. Al Jazeera journalists noticed it and reported on it in 2016 and in 2020. That the chants, cheering and laughs where all starting from the same group of people. That the actual MAGAs just sit there slack jawed or like brain washed zombies drooling over their der fuhrer, and the same individuals prompt ALL chants, cheers and laughter.

  2. Sorry to make folks reach for the brain bleach but watching that I couldn’t help but think of faked orgasms. Note to Trump – this is how it’s done:

    • My first thought watching the tRump Groanfest was the same as yours, Denis. But then I cannot and will not think of tRump having sex with anybody (EEEEEWWWWWW!!!). So I imagined he was getting ready to defecate.

      • Like “OMG! I have to wipe my own ass?” I can see that particular take. But sorry, Mister thinks he’s Don Juan seems to be imitating the reactions of women who have faked orgasms so it would all be over with and he’d leave them alone and marvel at his imagined skill as a lover. Most of us guys when we are hones with ourselves know women we’ve had sex with have faked it at times. We’d like to think not very often. I sure hope that was the case with me back when I got to enjoy such wicked delights as making love can be. But I’m not stupid enough to believe I was always great or even gave as good as I got. I still think Trump was crushed to learn Stormy Daniels’ description of their encounter. I’ll bet he thought he’d “give it to her” better than any male porn star! If heaven forbid (not that I believe in heaven but you know what I mean) she’s near the top of his list of people he’ll have rounded up and thrown in some dank prison. And “David Dennison” will do an updated version of a Marla Maples “Best Sex I Ever Had” press release complete with her “apology” for having denigrated his “junk” and skill as a lover.

  3. 76 million worship a buffoon! So much for 240 years of education! Either the majority wakes up and corrals these mindless cattle or we get swept to our collective doom. Climate only recognizes facts, not a self deluded species, who ignores we are an integral player in shaping our ecosystem. The rapist clown will stomp the peddle to the metal.

    • You can have compulsory education laws but you can’t make every student learn. Sad, pathetic, but true. If children are born to people who did not want to learn, what are the chances those children will also not learn–probably pretty good.

  4. Conservatives are reaping what they sowed. They should’ve listened to the Lincoln Project, rather than attack it as grifters. And if they’re going to finally break from Trump, they can’t continue to feed fantasy narratives like “it’s all a witch hunt.” Trump is who he has always been. None of it was masked or hidden away. Trump did all the Trump things in plain sight.

    They voted that leopard in. It ate their face.

    And in this instance, it’s still eating their face.

  5. Snake story—Check
    Windmill joke—Check
    Toilet flushing joke—Check
    Whale story—Check
    Orgasm pantomime—Check
    2020 election rant—Check
    Praising Putin/Xi/Orban/etc—Check
    Idiot fist-pump dance—Check

    There Will Be Blood is my favorite movie, but I can’t watch it 4 times a week.

  6. Checked up on my Niece From.Hell, the ardent rank evangelical Christian Trump.lover. She referred to pro-choice people as evil anti-gay terrorists. When was the last time anyone shot a doctor who refused to perform an abortion, dearie? Or blew up.a crisis pregnancy center? Or screamed at women at a medical!clinic which did not provide abortions? Who are the actual terrorists?

    She is also homeschooling her 3 spawn. This is why Trump still could get elected: hatefilled, racist, Christian Nationalist, bigoted c-words of either sex. And she has an A.S. There are a lot of people just like her and that is why Donnie Donuts still leads everyone in the GOP.


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