The Reader’s Digest has a feature section called Life In These United States. Now I haven’t seen a copy of that periodical in probably 50 years, but I remember growing up with it and that particular section contains wry commentary on things which not only make a statement about human nature, but human nature in the context of being uniquely American. So today. as a tropical storm floods the Sonoran Desert — Palm Springs, California to be precise — for the first time in history we also find ourselves looking at mockups for a new stamp, the Trump Stamp. What the two have in common is a world gone mad.

Now here’s the deal: there is a Trump stamp on the drawing boards, which is a temporary tattoo, to be used for fundraising purposes. But there has always been talk of an official U.S. postage stamp with Trump’s face on it, because he thinks his face should be everywhere. New Times:

We’re officially living in a world where Donald Trump could very likely be the GOP presidential nominee. YOINKS. So it might be time to stop fighting it and simply become part of the xenophobic rhetoric and the women-hating brouhaha and the flying  insults, and get on the Trump bandwagon by showing your support for “The Donald” by doing the most American thing there is: getting a tramp stamp.

That’s right. An enterprising trio filled with go-getterness and gumption have pulled together a Kickstarter campaign for something called the Trump Stamp, which is basically a tramp stamp but with Donald Trump’s face on it. Who doesn’t want Donald Trump’s face that close to their ass?

The idea behind the temporary tattoo is a simple one: to have all Americans support Donald in the most American way possible. And the tat also serves as identification for Border Patrol Agents, which is a nice bonus.

The Trump Stamp creators, based out of New York, are American, Asian, and Mexican — which is altogether American and something Trump hates. The tat’s creators, Victor Bruno, Kai Foo, and David Cortina, are asking for $1,000 on the Kickstarter to fund their first print run of the Trump Stamp so that they can spread the love across the nation.

So naturally Twit-X is chiming in, what else?

And another jewel.

This one is AI gone mad. Or, who knows? Maybe this is what Trump really looks like, but some alien mind control has us seeing something else.

This next one is my favorite.

This will work, too. I like this. There’s something Saturday Evening Post about this image. Norman Rockwell might have done this.

Here’s another good one. This is my second favorite.

The phrase, “Trump on crack” now takes on a new meaning.

Another jewel, still.

This is now in my top three.

The creativity is flowing tonight.

This next one is very strange.

I could definitely live with this on a postage stamp. Or on a billboard, or most anything.

This is simple. This would work just fine.

At least we haven’t lost our sense of humor. That will help us get through this mess. And remember, this is the clown who sincerely he believes he has a place on Mt. Rushmore. You can’t make any of this up.


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  1. maybe have a ‘scratch and smell’ version, too; scratching releases an offensive odour reminiscent of, say, ketchup, cheeseburger, hairspray, cola, and used POS incontinence diaper.

  2. If I had photoshop skills the version I’d create would be that huge pile of dinosaur poop from the movie Jurassic Park (I love Jeff Goldblum’s deadpan “Thet’s one big pile of sh*t) with Trump (angry faced, waving his arms) sticking out the side at an angle, with sh*t covered hands and brown streaks on his face. Oh, and the caption to remind people of where it came from since damn near everyone has seen that movie would be: Trump’s a big pile of sh*t!

  3. The Trump Stamp of approval is just a swastika. I imagine this is what he looks like every time he switches to all caps for a Truth Social post. — Caitlin of County Kerry (@lynn_of_cait) August 21, 2023. I couldn’t get this one to load!

  4. One no longer must have been dead for a minimum of ten years to have one’s face and nname oon a stamp. But you still can’t be alive and have that. By law.

    Those who so badly want to see their hero on a stamp need to know that if they want to make it so.

  5. One side has a great sense of humor despite the horrors…the other has a great sense of horror despite the humor.
    “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”
    Charlie Chaplin

  6. I think a good picture for the stamp is the one of his profile where his “hair” blew up and exposed the make up line around the side of his face. Very presidential!


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